In 1992, the most recent year for which data are available, the US tobacco industry spent $5 billion on domestic marketing. That figure represents a huge increase from the approximate £250-million budget in 1971, when tobacco advertising was banned from television and radio. The current expenditure translates to about $75 for every adult smoker, or to $4,500 for every adolescent who became a smoker that year. This apparently high cost to attract a new smoker is very likely recouped over the average 25 years that this teen will smoke.
41. ______
In the first half of this century, leaders of the tobacco companies boasted that innovative mass-marketing strategies built the industry. Recently, however, the tobacco business has maintained that its advertising is geared to draw established smokers to particular brands. But public health advocates insist that such advertising plays a role in generating new demand, with adolescents being the primary target. To explore the
A. Gathering the information
B. Cigarettes produced to match an image
C. Changing attitudes allow new marketing tactics
D. Background to the research
E. A public uproar is avoided
F. The innovative move to written adverts
G. A century of uninhibited smoking
TO: Marketing staff
FROM: Jonathan Blair
DATE: August 22
RE: New Advertising Campaign
We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. The following will give. you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help promote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this market, and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country’s largest media.
A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networks during primetime hours (7-9 p.m.) for three months. A total of 4 showings on each station daily. Also 5 showings between 9-11 p.m. on Saturdays A. Local television is airing a special on the company B. The company is breaking into a new market C. An article about the company has been printed in the local paper D. The subway and bus strikes will affect the company [单选题]患儿女,7岁。低热、轻咳3周。查体:体温38.5℃,营养差,左背下部听诊呼吸音减低,接种过卡介苗,PPD试验+++。该患儿首选的检查为( )
A.结核抗体测定 B.痰找结核菌 C.纤维支气管镜检查 D.胸部X线检查 E.胸部CT检查 [单选题]被称为“冷灭菌”的物理消毒灭菌法是( )
A.臭氧消毒法 B.等离子体灭菌法 C.紫外线消毒法. D.电离辐射灭菌法 E.过滤除菌法 [简答题]不同成长阶段的自我认同感即使不一致,就会产生自我认同危机。
A. 上升 B. 下降 C. 较低 D. 较高 [单项选择]周恩来在与()代表团会谈时,首次提出了和平共处五项原则。
A. 日本 B. 印度 C. 缅甸 D. 老挝 [单选题]收费班长每隔()个小时检查ETC车道流水上传情况。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]在《民用航空空中交通管理运行单位安全管理规则》中规定,发生或者发现民航空管不安全事件,事件发生地的民航空管运行单位应当按照规定()报告。
A.如实 B.及时 C.自愿 D.择期 [填空题]列车被迫停车可能妨碍邻线时,在( ),还应对邻线来车方向短路轨道电路。
[多选题] 依据 《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第12.5.2-6条规定:关于开展同杆塔多回线路中部分线路停电的作业,以下说法正确的有( )。
A.风力大于5级时,不应在同杆塔多回线路中进行部分线路检修工作及直流单极线路检修工作。 B.在停电线路地段装设的接地线,应牢固可靠且防止摆动。断开引线时,应在断引线的两侧接地。如在绝缘架空地线上工作时,应先将该架空地线接地。 C.在杆塔上工作时,不应进入带电侧的横担或在该侧横担上放置任何物件。 D.绑线要在下面绕成小盘再带上杆塔使用。不应在杆塔上卷绕绑线或放开绑线。 我来回答: 提交