Each nation has its own peculiar
character which distinguishes it from others. But the peoples of the world have
more points in common than points in which they differ. One type of person that
is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as
possible and to get as much as possible in return. His opposite, the man who is
in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept
what is offered in return, is rare everywhere. Both these types are usually unconscious of their character. The man who avoids effort is always talking about his "rights": he appears to think that society owes him a pleasant, easy life. The man who is always doing more than his share talks of "duties": he feels that the individual is in debts to society, and not society to individual. As a result, neither of these men thin A. The first type of person who thinks that the individual is in debt to society tries to do as little as possible and to get as much as possible in return. B. The second type of person who always talks about duties is used to doing more than is strictly .necessary and is ready to accept what is offered in return. C. Both types of person are always unaware of their character and never think that they behave at all strangely. D. The first type of person feels that society is in debt to the individual and that he is being unequally treated. [单项选择]二尖瓣狭窄引起肺动脉高压时,肺动脉瓣M型的特点是()
A. 肺动脉瓣曲线上的a波增大 B. 收缩期曲线平直 C. 肺动脉瓣曲线上的bc段呈"V"型 D. 显示收缩期有高频振动运动 E. 肺动脉瓣曲线上a波正常 [多选题]调车作业办法中规定:三、二、一车距离不准超过()
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A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]744. ( )井筒内液柱压力与地层孔隙压力的差值越大,钻井液对地层的损害程度也越大。
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A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交