In July, almost unnoticed by the
national press, a deadly bird virus arrived on a pheasant farm in Surrey.
Experts from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
identified Newcastle disease, a virus usually mortal to turkeys and geese but
not humans, in a flock of 9,000 pheasant chicks imported from France ahead of
the shooting season. Within hours of the diagnosis, veterinary experts had swung into action, throwing up a 3km exclusion zone around the farm near Cobham and culling 10,000 birds. The carcasses were burned and premises cleaned to stop the virus escaping. It was four weeks before Defra’s Veterinary Exotic Diseases Division felt it was safe for poultry move virus has reached Turkey, similar emergency plans are being readied by officials from Defra and other agencies. The scenario they are pre A. The Department of Health required Civil Contingency Secretariat to publish documents for the pandemic preparedness. B. The Department of Health required the UK national committee to co-work with hospital trusts and local authorities. C. The Department of Health required Civil Contingency Secretariat to make a pandemic plan as soon as possible. D. The Department of Health requires every hospital to store Tamiflu, the precious flu vaccine. [单选题]SMT车间印刷焊锡膏对温湿度的要求是( )。
A.25±3℃,40%~60% B.28±5℃,40%~70% C.15±2℃,40%~70% D.无要求 [单项选择]成人多维的社会角色和多重的社会作用体现了他们的学习目的具有()的特点。
A. 实用性 B. 预备性 C. 职业性 D. 广泛性 [多选题]在( )情况,尤其应该注意瓦斯涌出量的变化,以确保安全生产
A.开采遇地质构造 B.地面大气压明显变化 C.工作面开采接近结束时 D.顶板来压 E.风量调节时 [单项选择]以下程序的输出结果是
#include<stdio.h> int a[3][3]=1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, , *p; main( ) p=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); f(p, a); printf("%d/n", *p); free(p); f(int *s, int p[][3]) *s=p[1][1]; A. 1 B. 7 C. 9 D. 13 [单选题]CTC不能自动触发进路时,列车调度员(车站控制时为车站值班员)应采取( )方式办理,并通知电务部门进行处理,在《行车设备检查登记簿》内登记。
A.手工触发进路 B.人工排列进路 C.人工触发进路或人工排列进路 D.手工触发进路或始人工排列进路 [判断题]配电室负载线路温度正常(≤70℃,≥50℃要重点检查)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]停电跨越作业,在绝缘架空地线上作业时,应先将该架空地线接地。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]禁止相对方向同时接车的车站,当超长与非超长列车相交会时,除有列车调度员指示外,一般应先接( )。
A.停车的超长列车 B.停车的非超长列车 C.通过的超长列车 D.通过的非超长列车 [单选题]配网用户产权设备检修应由()负责填报停电检修申请。
A.A.配网部 B.B.设备运维管理部门 C.C.客户管理单位 D.D.供电所 我来回答: 提交