The component of the healthy
personality that is the first to develop is the sense of the trust. The crucial
time for its emergence is the first year of life. As with other personality
components, the sense of trust is not something that develops independent of
other manifestations of growth. It is not that infants learn how to use their
bodies for purposeful movement, learn to recognize people and objects around
them, and also develop a sense of trust. Rather, the concept "sense of trust" is
a shortcut expression intended to convey the characteristic flavor of all the
child’s satisfying experiences at this early age. Or, to say it another way,
this psychological formulation serves to condense, summarize, and synthesize the
most important underlying changes, which give meaning to the infant’s concrete
and diversified experience. A. Because they have been over loved and spoiled by their parents. B. Because they have been bitterly ignored or abused in infancy. C. Because they have not been trusted in infancy. D. Because they have got the most serious illnesses from their family. [判断题]( )线路设备大、中修完毕后,新钢轨接头相错:直线不得超过40mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择]下列有关特别行政区制度的说法中,哪一项是错误的?
A. 《宪法》第31条规定:“国家在必要时得设立特别行政区,在特别行政区实行的制度按照具体情况由全国人民代表大会以法律规定、”这一规定为特别行政区制度的设立提供了宪法依据 B. 根据《宪法》第62条的规定,决定特别行政区的设立及其制度的职权只能由全国人大行使 C. 特别行政区制度的基本内容规定在《香港特别行政区基本法》和《澳门特别行政区基本法》两部法律文件中 D. 中英《联合声明》是设立香港特别行政区的法律根据之一 [简答题]葡萄的破碎机有哪几种?
A. 流行性胸痛 B. 纤维素性胸膜炎 C. 肋间神经痛 D. 中等量胸腔积液 E. 肺炎球菌肺炎 [单选题]行调发布书面命令的内容有( )。
A.列车途中请客 B.线路限速或取消限速 C.变更闭塞方式 D.变更列车进路 [单选题]患者,女,27岁。胁肋胀痛、腹痛、攻窜不定、时轻时生气之后加重。苔白,脉弦, 宜选( )
A.延胡索 B.沉香 C.木香 D.青木香 E.青皮 [判断题]无证烟草专卖品准运证运输卷烟价值超过2万的,但累计被处罚过2次,应没收其违法运输的烟草专卖品和违法所得。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
It’s seven weeks into the new year. Do you know where your resolution is If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably vowed to lose weight, quit smoking and drink less in the new year. You kicked off January with a commitment to long-term well-being--until you came face-to-face with a cheeseburger. You spent a bundle on a shiny new gym pass. Turns out, it wasn’t reason enough for you to actually use the gym. [单项选择]以下哪个指标不属于零售客户从经营情况纬度划分的分类指标()。
A. 经营规模 B. 销售结构 C. 主销品牌 D. 业态类型 我来回答: 提交