I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old. My mother told us that we would not be (16) Christmas gifts because there was not enough money. I felt sad and thought, "What would I say when the other kids asked what I’ d (17) " Just when I started to (18) that there would not be a Christmas that year, three women (19) at our house with gifts for all of us. For me they brought a doll. I felt such a sense of (20) that I would no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school. I wasn’t (21) . Somebody had thought (22) of me to bring me a gift.
Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my (23) Christmas there special and memorable, I (24) remembered the women’s visit. I decided that I wanted to create that same feeling of (25) for as many children as I could possibly reach.
So I (26) a plan and
A. present
B. first
C. recent
D. previous
The Evolution of the Photofit{{/B}} Security technology: A new type of computerised photofit system takes a novel evolutionary approach to generating images of suspects. If you have ever tried to describe someone’s face in detail, you will understand why the "photofit" composite images used by the police look so dodgy. In recent years, computerised "E-Fit" systems have helped improve the accuracy of these images by allowing witnesses to choose from a wider range of facial features. But researchers at the University of Stirling in Scotland found that, despite these improvements, people still have a hard time constructing recognisable faces--especially if there is a delay of more The problem is that people tend to recoguise faces as whole entities, ra A. make unforgettable. B. make clean. C. make large. D. make impure. [单项选择]以下哪一项不是声门型喉癌的CT表现:
A. 局部声带增厚,欠光滑 B. 局部增厚的声带有增强 C. 前联合软组织厚度大于3 mm D. 构状软骨增厚,硬化 E. 会厌喉面软组织增厚 [单选题]公开发行公司债券应在主承销商核查意见上签字的人员有( )。
A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅴ B.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ C.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ D.Ⅱ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ E.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ [单选题]在有建筑倒塌风险的事故现场,警戒区域半径不小于建筑物高度的()倍。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [单选题]触电急救脱离电源,就是要把触电者接触的那一部分带电设备的()断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)或其他断路设备断开;或设法将触电者与带电设备脱离开。
A.有关 B.所有 C.高压 D.低压 [单选题]党章规定,党的最高领导机关是()。
A.党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会 B.党的全国代表大会 C.党的中央委员会 [单选题]距牵引供电设备支柱及牵引供电设备带电部分___m范围以内,具备接入综合接地条件的金属结构应纳入综合接地系统。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]立正时,两脚跟靠拢并齐,两脚尖向外分开约( )度。
A.55 B.60 C.65 D.70 [单选题]对变压器纵绝缘影响最大的是( )。
A.波前电阻 B.波尾电阻 C.波前电容 D.波尾电容 [单选题]当站用400V交流一段母线失压时,按照规定进行检查后均未发现异常,可对母线进线断路器进行()次试合,
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题] 由于不同温度下水的温度是一定的,所以选用水来校准玻璃容器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于等电聚集电泳,叙述正确的是()
A. 因蛋白质分子具有两性解离及等电点的特征,这样在碱性区域蛋白质分子带正电荷向负极移动 B. 蛋白质在等电点时带正电荷 C. 在电泳中,具有pH梯度的介质其分布是从阳极到阴极,pH值逐渐增大 D. 蛋白质在等电点时带负电荷 E. 位于酸性区域的蛋白质分子带负电荷向阳极移动,直到它们在等电点上聚焦为止 [单选题]工务作业人员和工具与接触网必须保持( )以上的距离。
A.0.7m B.2m C.2.5m D.10m [单选题]下列哪种失效不会导致α-floor失去:
A.SFCC1+FAC2 B.SFCC2+FAC1 C.FMGC1+FCU2 D.EIU [判断题]灭火战术方法是内外夹击、上下合击、穿插分割、重点突破、强攻近战()。( )→易
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](62145)更换铺设桥枕时,桥枕底与钢梁联结系杆件(含钉栓)间隙大于( ),与横梁间隙大于15mm。(1.0 分)
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [简答题]放射性物质向主回路系统的释放机理有:
[单选题]Stay close 词义()。
A.停留 B.跟紧 C.待着 D.保持 [单项选择]根据《产品质量法》的规定,下列各项中不属于缺陷产品生产者免责情形之一的是( )。
A. 产品尚未投入流通 B. 投入流通时缺陷尚不存在 C. 包装上明确标明为处理积压产品 D. 投入流通时的科技水平尚不能发现缺陷存在 [不定项选择题]A.视力低下
A.远视 B.近视 C.弱视 D.散光 E.幼儿园与低年级小学生的视力低下多属于 我来回答: 提交