On Oct. 12, 1989, some Chinese
scientists were working at the computers to look for the in- formation they
needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots crossing the
computer’s screens. At the same moment the computers were working much slower.
To find out what was happening, they stopped their work to check some
parts of the computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their
stored information was got rid of by computer viruses (病毒). All these computers
had been infected by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. They all have excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence. These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes th A. damage B. spread C. lower D. attack [判断题]南湾湖风景区位于信阳市。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]工会的组织结构
[单选题]当场处罚决定书是执法人员当场发现违法行为并当场制作、送达的文书,( )事后向当事人补送当场处罚决定书。
A.不能 B.可以 C.应当 D.以上都不是 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,垃圾袋材质符合( )标准。
A.铁路 B.地方 C.国际 D.国家 [多选题]以下绩效评价方法中,( )属于比较法。
A.排序法 B.配对比较法 C.等级择一法 D.行为锚定量表法 [单项选择]A. He couldn’t find Professor Smith’s classroom.
B. Professor Smith speaks too slowly. C. He didn’t understand Professor Smith’s lecture. D. Professor Smith kept the class late. [判断题]《上海铁路局旅客运输安全检查管理办法》(上铁客〔2017〕350号)规定,安检查危工作登记簿(“处理危险物品清单”、“危险物品出入库登记簿”、“移交公安处置物品登记簿”、“放弃物品登记簿”、“保管物品登记簿”),应保存不少于3年。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作票可由( )签发。
A.经设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的检修单位 B.设备运维管理单位 C.电力调度控制中心 D.经设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的基建单位 [单项选择]药品广告审查机关是()
A. 国家食品药品监督管理局 B. 省级药品监督管理部门 C. 县级以上药品监贷管理部门 D. 县级以上工商行政管理部门 E. 省级工商行政管理部门 [单选题]《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》规定,恐怖活动嫌疑人员违 反公安机关责令其遵守的约束措施的,由公安机关给予警告,并责 令改正;拒不改正的,处( )拘留。
A.五日以下 B.五日以上十日以下 C.五日以上十五日以下 D.五日以上二十日以下 [单项选择]散射比浊法测定的光信号是
A. 透射光大小与样品浓度成正比 B. 透射光大小与样品浓度成反比 C. 散射光强弱与样品浓度成正比 D. 散射光强弱与样品浓度成反比 E. 散射光强弱与样品浓度呈正相关 [判断题] 光监控信道是为 WDM 的光传输系统的监控而设立的。ITU-T 建议优选采用 1510nm 波长,容量为 2MHz/s。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述格雷纳的组织变革模式。
[单选题]工程车列进出工程线时,调度所(车站)须下达( )。衔接工程线的道岔由车站(线路所)负责管理。
A.调度命令 B.口头指示 C.阶段计划 D.日班计划 [单项选择]中间型股骨颈骨折()。
A. Pauwel角<30° B. Pauwel角>50° C. 30°<Pauwel角<50° D. Pauwel角<50° E. Pauwel角>30° [单项选择]{{B}}C{{/B}}