What will future historians remember
about the impact of science during the last decade of the 20th century They
will not be much concerned with many of the marvels that currently preoccupy us,
such as the miraculous increase in the power of home computers and the
unexpected growth of the Internet. Nor will they dwell much on global warming,
the loss of biodiversity and other examples of our penchant for destruction.
Instead, the end of 20th century will be recognized as the time when, for better
or worse, science began to bring about a fundamental shift in our perception of
ourselves. It will be the third time that science has forced us to re-evaluate who we are. The first time, of course, was the revolution that began with Copernicus in 1543 and continued with Kepler, Galileo and Newton. Despite the Church’s opposition, we came to realize A. (A) "Some claims about genes may be silly." B. (B) We have a "new way of thinking about ourselves". C. (C) A physical disorder "might have a variety of physiological causes". D. (D) "People are obtaining treatment for the parts of them that have gone wrong." [判断题]调度员发布正线、到发线接触网停电后准许登顶作业的调度命令时,受令者分别是司机和车站值班员。( )(应知应会-《技规》第231条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]99mTc-HMPAO在脑内滞留的机制是()。
A. 脑脊液内pH值与血液不同,pH变化导致99mTc-HMPAO结构变化 B. 进入脑细胞实质的99mTc-HMPAO构型改变而转变成水溶性化合物 C. 99mTc-HMPAO的构型保持稳定 D. 99mTc-HMPAO在经肝肾代谢 E. 与红细胞结合 [多选题] 油水混合的原因是: ( )
A. 机油冷却器内部管子破裂或冷却器芯子两端的密封圈失效,使机油、水在冷却 器内混合; B. 缸套外壁封水圈老化变质失去密封作用,缸套周围的冷却水进入油底壳; C. 气缸垫上的水封圈或油封圈失效; D. 缸体或缸盖有裂纹,水漏入油底壳。 [单项选择]生态幅的大小取决于物种的()。
A. 发育 B. 生境 C. 生物学特性 D. 生存空间 [判断题]"转出未交增值税"和"转出多交增值税"专栏分别记录一般纳税人月末转出当月应交未交或多交的增值税额。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]网络报文记录及分析装置能够实时显示各种类型报文帧数和流量,其中不包含的报文类型是( )。
A.SV报文 B.GOOSE报文 C.MMS报文 D.IEC60870-5-101报文 [多选题]某省甲市公安机关召开“甲马”大型活动安保布置,全市公安机关各相关警种与不同岗位16位民警代表参会。会议即将结束时,会场外的马路正对面因大雾天气突发数车追尾事故。面对此突发事件,会议中止,在会场的民警立即奔赴现场。向110指挥中心报告情况后,对于先期现场开展救援指挥,下列说法正确的有:
A.由会议通知者负责指挥 B.在16位民警相识的情况下,由行政职务高的民警负责指挥 C.各警种、各部门在场民警应坚决服从现场指挥 D.全体人员就地等待110指挥中心派出的警力抵达现场后再开展工作 [填空题]With steady wages, he would be able to feed himself and help his family.
A. Alt B. ESC C. CTRL D. SHIFT [多项选择]噎膈的主要病因是()
A. 外感时邪 B. 酒食所伤 C. 忧思恼怒 D. 年老久病 E. 水湿内浸 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,客运记录是指在旅客或行李、包裹运输过程中因特殊情况,()之间需要记载某种事项或车站与列车办理业务交接的文字凭证。
A.承运人与旅客 B.承运人与托运人 C.承运人与收货人 D.承运人与旅客、托运人、收货人 [不定项选择题]A.胚胎第6~7周
A.胚胎第3周 B.胚胎第7~8周 C.胚胎第4周 D.胚胎第6周 E.原始口腔的形成于 [填空题]
Many countries will not allow cigarette advertising in their
newspapers or on TV especially since the advertisements are usually written with
young, people in mind. In (51) of advertising, the tobacco
companies have begun to sponsor sports events. They give money to football,
motor racing, tennis and a (52) of other sports on
condition (53) the name of the cigarette is mentioned. This
is now causing concern, because it does exactly (54) many ads
tried to do—suggest that (55) has some relation with being
strong and athletic.
In all this, the point of view of the non-smoking has to be considered, as (56) : "I wish the smokers would stop (57) the air. I wish I could eat in a restaurant (58) having to smell cigarette smoke." It has been calculated that, in a room (59) a large number of people are smoking, a (60) will breathe in the equivalent of two or three cigarettes during a [单项选择]早孕与月经后期的鉴别错误的是()
A. 尿妊娠试验阳性 B. 妇科检查子宫增大、变软 C. B超可见宫内有妊娠囊 D. 有早孕反应 E. 体重增加 [多选题]在企业应急组织机构中,物资供应部门一般负责抢险和抢救物质的( )工作。
A.供销 B.供应 C.保障 D.保险 [填空题]Violence in American families takes many forms. One prevalent form that we often (26) is the physical punishment of children. Perhaps 93 per cent of all parents beat their children in order to (27) them. Young children receive the most punishment, but studies reveal that about 50 per cent of high school (28) report experiencing or being threatened with physical punishment. Punishment of children varies from a light tap to a brutal beating, but (29) we have granted parents the right to use physical force against their children. A law passed in 1696, for example, called for the death (30) for a child of "sufficient understanding" over the age of sixteen who cursed or struck a parent or who was "stubborn and (31) " in refusing to obey a parent.
Most parents use physical punishment (32) that it will control the aggression in their children and make them (33) . In fact, violence—whether verbal or ph [单项选择]根据环境空气质量自动监测技术规范,对于使用开放光程监测分析仪器,应每()个月进行1次单点检查(选择一个项目用满量程等效浓度10%到20%的标气),每年进行1次多点校准(等效浓度)。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多选题]6.典型设计中采用10kV水泥双杆设计直线水泥双杆按杆长分为( )m。
A.12 B.15 C.18 D.21 [判断题]行政程序目的是保护行政相对人的利益。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]设备检修后合闸送电前,检查送电范围内接地刀闸(装置)已拉开,接地线已拆除,人员已全部撤离,应填入操作票内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]闭塞法原则上不使用( )办法,如必须使用时,由铁路局规定。
A.基本闭塞 B.电话闭塞 C.隔时续行 D.代用闭塞 [多选题]公安机关实施的下列扣押行为,不符合《行政强制法》规定的有()。
A.扣押张三被盗的电脑,超过3个月尚未处理 B.扣押李四被盗的三轮车,该车系残疾人李四载客供养家人的工具 C.扣押王五盗窃的财物,未通知其到场 D.扣押赵六盗窃的机动车,返还时向被侵害人收取车辆保管费 [单项选择]化学烧伤时下列处理正确的是()
A. 碱烧伤时清水冲洗时间不宜过长 B. 使用酸碱中和剂应及时、彻底和坚决 C. 石灰烧伤时主张大量流动清水持续冲洗 D. 眼部碱烧伤应立即用3%硼酸液中和,再用等渗生理或蒸馏水彻底冲洗 E. 烧伤局部处理同时注意内脏器官保护 [简答题]
考生文件夹下存在一个数据库文件“samp2.accdb”,里面已经设计好三个关联表对象“tStud”、“tCourse”、“tScore”和一个空表“tTemp”。试按以下要求完成设计: 创建追加查询,将前5条记录的学生信息追加到表“tTemp”的对应字段中,所建查询命名为“qT4”。我来回答: 提交