Americans had always been preoccupied with reforming their society, with "making it over," and between the 1890s and the end of the First World War, the reform spirit intensified. More and more people tried to address the problem of their time directly, to impose order on a confusing world, and, especially, to create a conflict-free society. Their efforts, inspired by a complicated mixture of calculated self-interest and unselfish benevolence, helped what can be called the Progressive era. The urge for reform had many sources. Industrialization had brought unprecedented productivity, awesome technology, and plenty of consumer goods. But it had also included labor struggle, waste of natural resources, and abuse of corporate power. Rapidly growing cities facilitated the accumulation and distribution of goods, services, and cultural amenities but also magnified problems of poverty, disease, crime, and political corruption. Massive inflows of immigrants and the rise of a ne
A. to end political corruption
B. to minimize social and economic disorder
C. to promote free competition
D. to reform all the social evils and problems
Text{{/B}} One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be airconditioned and I couldn’t face my {{U}} (26) {{/U}} apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the {{U}} (28) {{/U}} every time she leaned over to talk to him, {{U}} (29) {{/U}} he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such {{U}} (30) {{/U}} in a public place I thought the movie would be good for my English, but {{U}} (31) {{/U}} it turned out, it was an Italian movie. {{U}} (32) {{/U}} about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and {{U}} (33) {{/U}} on my popcorn. I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, A. aspect B. view C. space D. angle [单项选择]青光眼的临床诊断最基本的检查项目不包括以下()
A. 眼压 B. 房角 C. 视野 D. 视盘 E. 角膜 [判断题]阻抗是一个复数,所以阻抗也是相量。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]作用阀连接的管路有()。
A. 总风缸管 B. 过充管 C. 制动缸管 D. 紧急风缸管 [单选题]属水溶性的维生素是什么?:
A.A维生素A、D B.B维生素E、K C.C维生素A、B D.D维生素B2 E.E维生素B6、K [单选题]依据《职业病危害项目申报办法》,受理申报的安全生产监督管理部门应当自收到申报文件、资料之日起( )工作日内,出具《职业病危害项目申报回执》。
A.5个 B.10个 C.15个 D.30个 E. [判断题]【判断题】如果贫困地区长期贫困,面貌长期得不到改变,群众生活长期得不到明显提高,那就没有体现我国社会主义制度的优越性,那也不是社会主义。( )
向第二个百年奋斗目标迈进 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]装载机铲斗装满后,应举臂到距地面约( )m时,再后退、转向、卸料。
A.1; B.0.5; C.1.5; D.2 [多选题]隋唐的三省六部制中六部包括( )。
A.吏 B.户 C.礼 D.兵 E.财 [多选题]火灾按火灾燃烧对象的特性不同分为四类:()
A.固体火灾 B.液体火灾 C.气体火灾 D.金属火灾 [单选题]试运行期间,动车组的性能和指标如不能满足合同技术要求,重复进行的试运行不得超过( )次,后续处置按照采购合同办理。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [判断题]我行是一个大家庭、大家园,员工之间彼此尊重,向上向善,相互关爱,共创财富,分享成长;大家激情生活,快乐工作,一起建设更加美好、繁荣、卓越的九江银行大家园。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交