The consequences of heavy drinking are
well documented: failing health, broken marriages, regrettable late-night phone
calls. But according to Gregory Luzaich’s calculations, there can be a downside
to modest drinking, too—though one that damages the wallet, not the
liver. The Pek Wine Steward prevents wine from spoiling by injecting argon, an inert gas, into the bottle before sealing it airtight with silicon. Mr. Luzaich. a mechanical engineer in Windsor, Calif.—in the Sonoma County wine country—first tallied the costs of his reasonable consumption in October 2001. "I’d like to come home in the evening and have a glass of wine with dinner," he said. "My wife doesn’t drink very much. so the bottle wouldn’t get consumed. And maybe I would forget about it the next day, and I’d check back a day or two later, and the wine would be spoile A. damaging the liver B. costing much C. breaking marriages D. spoiling the wine [单项选择]手动关合、拉开隔离开关时应按()进行。
A. 快慢快 B. 慢快慢 C. 慢快快 D. 快快慢 [单选题]地震幸存者可能在坍塌建筑物中的蜂窝状空穴存活多长时间( )
A.72小时 B.1至2周 C.2至3周 D.3至4周 [单选题]调制银汞合金时,若汞量过少,可造成
A.增加蠕变 B.可塑性增加 C.产生过度膨胀 D.修复体易变形 E.硬而脆 [单项选择]混凝土拌合物中含气量过大,会降低泵送效率,严重时会造成堵塞。泵送混凝土中的含气量不宜大于()。
A. 6% B. 4% C. 10% D. 8% [单选题]作业层班组成员全体参与项目部级安全事故学习活动,并填写在( )中。
A.班组日志B B.安全活动记录 C.质量活动记录 D.班组汇报 [单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that a major interest of the officials of Glacier National Park is to ______
A. Iimit land development around the park B. establish a new park in Montana C. influence national legislation D. settle border disputes with Canada [单项选择]生长激素自然分泌最旺盛的时间是()
A. 清晨 B. 进餐后 C. 体力活动前 D. 晚间入睡后 E. 以上均不是 [判断题]从业人员应自觉接受井口安检人员的检身。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,32岁。因左侧阴囊肿大伴尿频4个月入院。入院后查体:左侧阴囊肿大,有波动感,透光试验阳性,左侧睾丸大小正常,左侧附睾肿大,表面不光滑,与阴囊皮肤粘连,左侧输精管增粗,表面可扪及串珠样改变,轻度压痛。血常规及肾功能检查正常,尿常规提示:WBC++,RBC+。为确定泌尿系结核的部位下列何种检查最合适()
A. 双肾B超 B. IVU C. 膀胱镜检 D. 肾穿刺活检 E. 输尿管镜检 F. B超 [判断题]在距离接触网带电部分不足2m的建筑物上作业时,接触网必须停电
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1级突发风险,由()进行应急响应,启动或指导一级(直属)分行启动相应的应急预案。
A.支行 B.二级分行 C.一级分行 D.总行 [单选题]输电线路中间验收中,架线检查项目不包括(____)。
A.NUT线夹螺栓可调范围寸 B.弧垂及各项偏差寸 C.均压环安装情况 D.导线及地线换位情况 [单选题]高处作业施工前,应对作业人员进行安全技术教育及交底,并应配备相应( )。
A. 作业工具 B. 防护用品 C. 防暑降温用品 D. 施工机械 [多选题]《二号线正线轨行区进场作业令》包括:承认进场作业的( )安全注意事项和行调姓名等内容。( )
A.命令号码 B.批准作业时间 C.作业地点 D.作业内容 [判断题]T型算账法可以直观展现客户当前所有通信费用情况,但并不能突出联通套餐的价值优势。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]水不能扑救的火灾是()
A.森林火灾 B.原油火灾 C.贮存大量浓硫酸.浓硝酸的场所发生火灾 [单项选择]