It seems that beauty and women are
twins. You are joking No, I am not. Observe for yourself. Ads on fashion flood
TV screens, radio programs, magazines, newspapers and the streets. Whether they
have realized it or not, women are besieged (包围) by a sea of fashion. They are
taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their
charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and
youth But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. (35) {{U}}A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart, great courage and A. women should lay more emphasis on their own qualities B. beautiful clothes can make women more attractive C. women have to show their beauty through their looks D. women are more curious about new things than men [单选题]防护灯采用的光源是( )
A.LED灯 B.卤素灯 C.白炽灯 D.氙气灯 [单项选择]重力供液方式的特点是将同一()的冷却设备集中使用一只膨胀阀和气液分离器。
A. 冷凝温度 B. 蒸发温度 C. 过热温度 D. 环境温度 [多选题]大学生应当树立的学习理念是()
A.自主学习 B.终身学习 C.全面学习 D.创新学习 [多选题]钛合金钨极氩弧焊时,需要采用()的特殊保护措施。
A.A.大直径的喷嘴 B.B.喷嘴加拖罩 C.C.大氩气流量 D.D.氩+氢的混合气 E.E.背面充氩保护 [判断题]高速断路器吸合必须要接收到两个指令,分别是主断允许、零速信号指令。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]编组超重列车时,在中间站应得到<--NRC-->的同意,并经列车调度员准许。
[单选题]液压支柱的工作特性为( )。
A.急增阻式 B.微增阻式 C.恒阻式 [多选题]某五层居民楼因煤气泄漏爆炸起火,局部结构塌落,有少量人员被埋压;另有几十名居民被烟火围困在楼上,有的躲在房内,有的在窗口、阳台呼救,有人准备跳楼。某消防中队迅速到场处置。(3)消防队员登楼救生的途径有哪些?( )
A.用举高车从窗口、阳台、屋顶救人 B.用拉梯、挂钩梯从窗口、阳台救人 C.乘坐消防电梯救人 D.深入楼内搜寻救人 [不定项选择题]糖尿病,口渴多饮,口舌干燥,尿频量多,多汗,舌边尖红,苔薄黄,脉数。宜选何方加减治疗?( )
A.消渴方 B.玉女煎 C.七味白术散 D.六味地黄丸 E.金匮肾气丸 [单项选择]在保险活动中,被保险人违反保证义务,只部分地损害了保险人的利益,则保险人的正确处理方式是( )。
A. 全部承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任 B. 就违反保证部分解除保险责任、拒绝履行赔偿义务 C. 解除保险合同,不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任 D. 不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任,但应当退还保险费 我来回答: 提交