For more than thirty years scientists
have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches
have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be
trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television
messages, as well as messages on spaceships traveling through space, {{U}}on the
chance{{/U}} that someone may be receptive to such messages. Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to "listen" to signals from about 1,000 stars, all within 100 light years of the earth. In addition, they will scan the entire sky to listen for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight million channels at a time. Scientists are looking for any signal that stands out from the background noise. Of the A. 5 billion B. 10 billion C. 15 billion D. 200 billion [名词解释]焚书坑儒
A. 痰量与体位改变有关 B. 每日痰量可达数百毫升 C. 黄色痰,有臭味 D. 痰放置后分3层 E. 铁锈色痰 [单选题]关于仲裁的开庭和审理,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.仲裁开庭审理必须经当事人达成一致 B.当事人可以协议仲裁不开庭审理 C.仲裁审理案件应当公开进行 D.当事人不能协商确定仲裁程序 [单项选择]某男,60岁,有左室前壁心肌梗死病史,超声复查发现左心室心尖部有一边界明确回声团块紧贴于室壁上,其最可能诊断为
A. 心室血栓 B. 心室黏液瘤 C. 栓子移行至左心室 D. 感染性心内膜炎 E. 寄生虫疾病 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第10.1.5规定:不宜在转动着的电动机及其附属装置回路上进行工作。如必须在转动的电动机上工作时,作业人员( )。
A.应戴绝缘手套 B.使用有绝缘把手的工具 C.穿绝缘靴 D.站在绝缘垫上 [简答题]
甲公司于2001年1月2日组建为股份有限公司,并以公开发行股票方式募集股本,共发行普通股股票400万股,每股面值1元,每股发行价格1.2元。证券公司代理发行费用共10万元,从发行收入中扣除。现发行完毕,所收股款存入银行。乙公司按发行价格购买甲公司普通股股票240万股(占甲公司全部股份的60%),共支付价款288万元,另付佣金及手续费8万元。甲公司2001年至2002年有关资料如下: [判断题]行政机关应当建立健全监督制度,通过核查反映被许可人从事行政许可事项活动情况的有关材料,履行监督责任。
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