Many language teachers and learners
tend to ask the question: Why should we teach or learn linguistics Since
linguistics is defined as the scientific study of language, it seems obvious
that such a study would help a lot in language teaching and learning, although
there is much difference between linguistics and language teaching or learning
in their attitudes towards language, their goals, and their methods. Language is viewed as a system of forms in linguistics, but it is regarded as a set of skills in the field of language teaching. Linguistic research is concerned with the establishment of theories which explains the phenomena of language, whereas language teaching aims at the learner’s mastery of language. To bridge the gap between the theories of/linguistics and the practice of foreign language teaching, APPLIED A. linguistics is the scientific study of language. B. the study of linguistics would help a lot in language teaching and learning. C. there’s much difference between linguistics and language teaching or learning. D. language is a system of forms in linguistics. [单选题]交接班人员共同检查作业有关的安全设施,核对( )数量及编号。
A.绝缘拉杆 B.绝缘棒 C.绝缘夹钳 D.接地线 [单选题]成人平均能忍受马蜂( )次蜇刺。
A.10 B.1000 C.3 D.20000 [单项选择]在文化产业发展中,非公有制文化企业发展迅速,以某省为例,据统计,非公有制文化企业4万余家,总收入300多亿元,从业人员50多万,涉及影视、印刷、演艺娱乐、艺术品经营、旅游、广告、会展等十余个行业。这说明()
A. 发展文化产业必须发展非公有制经济 B. 非公有制经济是我国社会主义经济的重要组成部分 C. 非公有制经济在繁荣市场、扩大就业方面有重要作用 D. 非公有制经济是与文化产业发展相适应的经济形式 [单项选择]男,50岁,20年前曾患肺结核,近3个月来刺激性咳嗽,痰中带血丝,伴左胸痛、发热,X线片示右上肺3cm×2.5cm大小的阴影,边缘模糊,痰液找癌细胞3次均为阴性。应考虑诊断为
A. 肺结核 B. 肺囊肿 C. 肺良性肿瘤 D. 肺化脓症 E. 肺癌 [单项选择]下列说法正确的是()
A. 当火车加速离开车站时,它的惯性越来越大 B. 物体若不受任何力的作用,则一定处于静止状态 C. 物体的运动状态发生了改变,则它的速度一定发生了变化 D. 在力学中,国际单位制规定力、质量、时间为三个基本物理量 [单项选择]在以下哪处可测三星E808手机的系统时钟()。
A. 射频的10脚 B. 射频的11脚 C. 射频的12脚 D. 射频的13脚 [多选题]理论 计量器具控制包括()。
A.首次检定 B.后续检定 C.使用中的检验 D.强制检验 E.非强制检验 [简答题]简述粘土砖的特性和用途。
A.煮沸灭菌法 B.高压蒸汽灭菌法 C.火烧灭菌法 D.化学药液浸泡法 E.甲醛蒸汽熏蒸法 [单项选择]在Word中,"关闭文档"操作的含义是()
A. 只将该文档内容从显示屏幕上清除 B. 将该文档窗口最小化 C. 隐藏该文档窗口 D. 将该文档从内存中和屏幕上清除 [单项选择]下列各明细分类账,应采用逐日逐笔登记方式的是( )。
A. 人固定资产 B. 原材料 C. 主营业务收入 D. 库存商品 [多项选择]对未按期还款的个人汽车贷款,银行可以采取的催收方式包括()。
A. 电话催收 B. 信函催收 C. 上门催收 D. 律师函催收 E. 司法催收 我来回答: 提交