直觉通常是指对某种情况的一种突如其来的领悟或理解,也就是突然跃入人们意识中的一种使问题得到澄清的思想。诸如灵感、启示、预感等都是用来形容这种现象的。直觉在科学发现和发明当中有十分重要的作用。在美国,化学家普拉特和贝克对一些科学家的有关“你是否得益于直觉”的调查中,经常得益、偶尔得益和从未得益的比例分别是 33%、50%和17%。据他们的调查,7%的科学家说他们的直觉一贯正确,其余的人则说有10%~90%不等的直觉后来被证明是正确的。即使如此,这也可能是比实际情况乐观的估计,因为成功的例子往往比失败的例子容易被记住。
A. 借助于大脑的下意识活动,让大脑处在无自觉注意的状态。
B. 必须有某种情感反应,或高兴,或兴奋,以排除烦恼沮丧。
C. 同回忆一件从记忆中消失的事情一样,清除思想的堵塞。
D. 暂时摆脱自觉思考的难题或烦恼,休息或从事轻松的活动。
If books had never been discovered, man would have found some other way of recording his communication. But then, for our consideration, we should include as books everything that is a written record. This would include tablets, papyrus and anything else-including computer diskettes. In the case of music, it would be impossible to think that man can live without it. Looking at primitive cultures, it appears that music is actually a part of the human psyche. When two things are knocked together, music is produced. So for the sake of our discussion, it is intended to restrict the meaning of music to the popularly accepted concept. Music is the pleasing combination of sounds that we like to listen to.
Though it is difficult to, we can pretend that these things never existed. In this case we would not miss them today. To compare with recent inventions, let us look at radio and television Though we cannot think of life without them today, this is so only from comparatively rec
A. Because it is a convenience like the Internet.
B. Because we will lose a deep part of ourselves.
C. Because we won’t have smiles on our faces anymore.
D. Because philosophies like Plato’s would not exist.