Passage 3 There are two main types of stocks: common stock and preferred stock. Common stock is, well, common. When people talk about stocks in general they are most likely referring to this type. In fact, the majority of stock issued is in this form. Common shares represent ownership in a company and a claim (dividends) on a portion of profits. Investors get one vote per share to elect the board members, who oversee the major decisions made by management. Over the long term, common stock, by means of capital growth, yields higher returns than almost every other investment. This higher return comes at a cost since common stocks entail the most risk. If a company goes bankrupt and liquidates, the common shareholders will not receive money until the creditors, bondholders, and preferred shareholders are paid. Preferred stock [多选题]水罐消防车根据载水量大小可分为( )。
A.中型水罐消防车 B.重型水罐消防车 C.大型水罐消防车 D.小型水罐消防车 [单选题]检验效能是指
A. α B. 1-α C. β D. 1-β E. 以上都不对 [判断题]用电信息采集系统主站可以根据需要向终端或电能表下发遥控跳闸命令,控制用户开关合闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]液压泵按其额定压力的高低可分为低压泵、中压泵和() 。
[单选题]车辆沿着驾驶人给定方向稳定行驶的能力称为( )。
A.A.车辆通过性 B.B.车辆操纵性 C.C.车辆稳定性 D.D.车辆动力性 [单项选择]不服下列哪些行为可以提起行政复议( )
A. 行政机关调解因环境污染所引起的损害赔偿的行为 B. 行政机关颁发有关市场管理收费规定的行为 C. 认为行政机关侵犯合法的经营自主权的 D. 法律、法规、规章规定可以申请复议的具体行政行为 [简答题]中间包覆盖剂的功能是什么?
A. 高温 B. 明火 C. 干燥 D. 潮湿 [判断题]对电气安全规程中的具体规定,实践中应根据具体情况灵活调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪些活动属于条件反射( )。
A.. 看到酸梅时引起唾液分泌 B.. 食物进入口腔后胃腺分泌 C.. 寒冷环境下皮肤血管收缩 D.. 大量饮水后尿量增加 我来回答: 提交