There he was America’s first President
with a MBA, the man who loves to boast about his business background, whose
presidential campaign raised unprecedented sums from corporate wallets and whose
cabinet is stuffed with chief executives. But he said fiercely, by executives
"breaching trust and abusing power". It was time for "anew ethic of personal
responsibility in the business community". He was going to "end the days of
cooking the books, shading the truth and breaking our laws". Only months ago, the idea that George W Bush would publicly lambaste America’s cooperate bosses was laughable. As a candidate, borne on the wave of a decade-long economic boom and an unprecedented 18-year bull market, he cashed in on American’s love affair with corporate success. But things are different now. The stock market bubble has burst and, d A. carry out reform B. boom economy C. animate the voters D. attack chief executive [简答题]双极型半导体管的放大作用表现在:
Farewell to Athens Every Olympic Games provides us with defining moments. Some are obvious — like Cathy Freeman’s golden run in Sydney and Muhammad Ali’s lighting of the cauldron in Atlanta. Others are a matter of personal preference. Athens was no different. In almost every sport there were memories to cherish. From the feats of Ian Thorpe, Michael Phelps and Jodie Henry in the pool to unforgettable victories by Kelly Holmes and Hicham El Guerrouj on the track, every winner had a story to tell. And so did most of the losers. Losers like Jana Pittman, Wilson Kipketer and Alex Popov, who weren’t losers at all, but were winners without gold medals. For the Greeks, these Games were a triumph. Not because they were the best ever, but because in the main, they went without a hitch (故障). Because, despite the doubters, they opened on schedule, and because — perhaps against all odds in today’s world — for a little more than two weeks th A. On Seoul Olympic Games. B. On Athens Olympic Games, 2004. C. On Sydney Olympic Games. D. On Atlanta Olympic Games. [单项选择]“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的思想出自( )。
A. 《学记》 B. 《大学》 C. 《论语》 D. 《师说》 [单项选择]血管外溶血时,红细胞破坏的最主要场所是()。
A. 心脏 B. 脾 C. 肝 D. 肾 E. 骨髓 [判断题]济南市户籍人员不可以申报职工租赁住房补贴。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]强化“轮轮双轮底”对窖底母糟强化的措施之一是多投粮。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》中规定:腕臂偏移标准值符合安装曲线要求。限界值:任何情况下不得超过腕臂垂直投影长度的( )。
A.符合安装曲线要求 B.1/3 C.1/4 [多项选择]
患者男,7岁,因“高热3d,抽搐、意识障碍1d”来诊。20d前有狗咬伤史,已深部清洗伤口并按要求注射狂犬病疫苗,目前伤口已愈合。查体:T40.3℃,P107次/min,R32次/min,BP150/90mmHg;昏迷;下肢见2cm×2cm瘢痕,全身皮肤未见皮疹;瞳孔左侧3mm,右侧4mm,对光反射迟钝;可疑颈强直;双肺可闻及痰鸣音;肝、脾未触及;克尼格征(+),巴宾斯基征(+)。血常规:WBC20.5×109/L,N0.86。 目前因病情重,需慎重考虑并适当治疗后才能进行的检查是()A. 血常规 B. 脑脊液检查 C. 血清补体结合试验 D. 血凝抑制试验和反向血凝抑制试验 E. 血清流行性乙型脑炎特异性IgM检测F.血液病毒核酸检测 [单选题]根据放射性物品的特性及其对人体健康和环境的潜在危害程度,将放射性物品分为( )类。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]设区的市级以上地方人民政府住房城乡建设主管部门应当建立专家库,制订专家库管理制度,建立专家诚信档案,并向社会公布,接受社会监督。()
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]义齿固位力与卡环臂进入倒凹的深度和倒凹的坡度有关,一般()
A. 倒凹的深度应大于1mm,倒凹的坡度应小于10° B. 倒凹的深度应大于1mm,倒凹的坡度应小于20° C. 倒凹的深度应小于1mm,倒凹的坡度应小于10° D. 倒凹的深度应大于1mm,倒凹的坡度应大于20° E. 倒凹的深度应小于1mm,倒凹的坡度应大于20° [判断题]消防官网压力低时先启动消防泵
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当发现有大量毒气扩散,且短时间内难以控制时,消防人员应协同有关部门及时疏散可能遭遇毒气侵害的人员,特别要先疏散毒源( )受威胁的人员。(易)
A. 上风方向 B. 下风方向 C.沾染区域 D. 扩散区域 [单选题]大容量变压器注油后,必须静置___小时才能进行耐压试验。
A.6 B.8 C.12 D.24 [简答题]在IS-LM模型中,影响IS、LM曲线斜率的主要因素是什么IS、LM相交时形成的均衡收入是否就是充分就业的国民收入
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]职业道德是企业文化的重要组成部分,先进的企业文化是把企业职工的思想和( )放在首位。
A.普及法律 知识 B.安全教育 C.技能培训 D.职业道德教育 [填空题]距牵引供电设备带电部分超过 () m的燃着物体,使用沙土灭火时,牵引供电设备可不停电,但须保持灭火机具及沙土等与带电部分的距离在2m以上。
[填空题]酚酞指示剂的变色范围(PH)为 (1) 。
[单选题]当车辆在不平坦线路上运行或车体被不均匀地顶起时,车体将受( )载荷。
A.扭转 B.侧向 C.水平 D.纵向 我来回答: 提交