Tides are created mainly by the pull of
the moon on the earth. The moon’s pull causes water in the oceans to be a little
deeper at a point closest to the moon and also at a point farthest from the
moon, on the opposite side of the earth. These two tidal "waves" follow the
apparent movement of the moon around the earth strike nearly every coastline at
intervals of about twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. After reaching a high
point, the water level goes down gradually for a little more than six hours and
then begins to rise A. Some coastlines do not have two tides each day. B. Tides usually rise to the same level day after day. C. Tides are not affected by the shape of a coastline. D. The sun has as much effect on tides as does the moon. [单项选择]反映某事物现象实际发生严重程度的指标宜采用( )
A. 性别发病比 B. 年龄别发病率 C. 发展速度环比 D. 年龄别发病构成比 E. 标化率 [单选题]三相对称负载星形连接时,其线电流为相电流的()倍。
A.73; B.1; C.1/2; D.1/3。 [单项选择]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,特别重大以外的事故,事故发生地与事故发生单位所在地不在同一个县级以上行政区域的,由( )负责调查。
A. 事故发生单位所在地人民政府 B. 事故发生地人民政府 C. 省级以上人民政府 D. 事故发生地与单位所在地的上级人民政府 [多选题]火灾调查的任务是:()。
A.统计火灾损失 B.调查火灾原因 C.依法对火灾事故作出处理 D.总结火灾教训 [单项选择]秋水仙碱在治疗急性痛风期间,每1个疗程期间应停药几天?()
A. 1天 B. 2天 C. 3天 [填空题] During the 1980s, unemployment (失业人数) and underemployment (不充分就业) in some countries was so high as 90 per cent. Some countries did not 【B1】 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not 【B2】 . Many of these countries looked 【B3】 the industrial processes of the developed nations for solution.
【B4】 , problems cannot always be solved by 【B5】 the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very 【B6】 . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial 【B7】 , and highly skilled workers are needed to 【B8】 and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, 【B9】 many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 【B10】 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to receive vocational and 【B11】 training. 【B12】 , just to begin training, the students must 【B13】 learn English, French, Germans, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and 【B14】
A. A.charge B.price C.cost D.value [单选题]配电设备接地电阻应合格。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]对于负压系统的玻璃液面计来说,当玻璃管内有气泡出现时,说明玻璃液面计底部有漏点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]牙髓由牙胚的哪部分形成()
A. 成釉器 B. 牙蕾 C. 牙乳头 D. 牙板剩余 E. 牙囊 [多选题]高温场所消防员轮换时,在阴凉通风的安全区域休息,第一时间脱掉上衣,采取凉水降温,及时补充含( )等元素的功能饮料和高能食品。
A.钙 B.锌 C.钾 D.钠 [单选题]麻醉后并发症中最常发生的是
A.呕吐误吸 B.肺脂肪栓塞 C.低血压 D.苏醒延迟 E.急性支气管痉挛 [多选题]《站细》的主要内容应有()。
A.车站技术设备的使用、管理 B.接发列车 C.调车 D.列车的技术作业程序呵时间标准 我来回答: 提交