On the first day of school one of my
classmates began a talk with me that changed my life. She said, "Hi, handsome.
My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old." "Why are you in college at such an age " I asked. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I’ll never forget what she taught us. She cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor each and every day. You’ve got to h A. tell a moving story about Rose B. discuss what to do to grow up C. instruct the readers how to live meaningful lives D. teach the readers how to realize their dreams [单选题] 接发车作业接发列车要( ),并注意车辆运行、货物装载、篷布绳索状态,防止意外伤人。
A. 能看到就行 B. 侧对列车 C. 目迎目送 [判断题]指针式万用表可测量交流电压、电流,直流电压、电流和电阻等。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第六十七条规定,下列哪些( )物品不能按包裹运输。
A.国务院及国务院铁路主管部门颁发的有关危险品管理规定中规定的危险品 B.国务院及国务院铁路主管部门颁发的有关危险品管理规定中规定的弹药 C.承运人不明性质的化工产品 D.衣物 [判断题] 木桥枕保养质量评定标准中要求:桥枕顶面2mm及以上裂纹漏灌处所不超过15%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“五成套”:是装备科研生产中的一个简略用语,即:成套论证、成套设计、( )、成套生产、成套交付。
A.成套设计 B.成套研发 C.成套定型 D.成套维护 [填空题]Science textbooks and technical and professional journals are usually made up of several parts and contain various special features, many of which have a standard format. 【B1】 usually contain a large number of these parts; journals and 【B2】 contain many, but not all of them.
Knowing where to look for information and 【B3】 to expect in a book can greatly increase your ability to use all the information there. Explanations of and practice using some of these textbook parts and 【B4】 are covered in these even numbered lessons. The features in textbooks are 【B5】 into the following three categories. Front matter is the 【B6】 -numeral paginated section at the front of most books. The text is the main body of the book. The 【B7】 matter comprises the additional sections at the back of most books. 【B8】 our discussion of these three sections will deal mainly with textbooks, the practice provided will greatly 【B9】 your comprehension of scientific 【B10】 as well.
A. A.Although B.since C.While D.However [单选题]食品过了保质期,食用后出现问题,责任承担者应为
A.政府 B.生产企业 C.销售企业 D.消费者 [单选题]神经网络是由()演化而来
A.符号主义 B.认知主义 C.联结主义 D.行为主义 [判断题]锅炉与压力容器的受压元件如果采用不合理的结构形状,局部地方会因应力集中或变形受到过分压束而产生很高的局部应力,严重时也会导致破坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]客户设备状态不明时,均应视为带电设备。不得进行与现场勘查无关的工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起重设备作业人员在作业中应严格执行起重设备的操作规程和有关的安全规章制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]运输工作不正常,需要减少或增加日装车数量时,应首先调整(减少或增加)自局管内的装车数量;如需减少或增加外局的装车数量时,须经()准许。
A.铁路局 B.铁路局调度命令 C.总公司 D.总公司调度命令 [多选题]BAS系统底层网络的远程控制箱主要安装于( )房间。
A.风机监控室 B.通风机房 C.废水泵房 D.车控室 [判断题]经现场检查判断属车辆抱闸引起的预报激热、强热,按照车辆热轴处置程序处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Towards evening ______ cold rain began to fall.
A. the,a B. ×,× C. a,the D. an,a [单项选择]焚书坑儒:赢政()
A. 长平之战:王翦 B. 背水一战:张良 C. 破釜沉舟:项羽 D. 陈桥兵变:赵括 [单项选择]中性粒细胞吞噬时外环境中可不需哪种物质()
A. Ca2+ B. K+ C. Mg2+ D. ATP E. Na+ [多项选择]( )才能做到主动控制与被动控制相互结合。
A. 扩大信息来源 B. 找出偏离计划的差距 C. 把握住输入这道关 D. 及时纠正潜在的偏差和实际偏差 E. 进行定期连续的被动控制 [简答题]我们怀念故人的时候常常发出“物是人非”的慨叹,那么李清照在避难的时候出有“物是人非事事休”的伤感。请问,这是李清照在哪里凄凉感受?
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