{{B}}Vienna{{/B}} Vienna was one of the music centers of Europe during the classical period, and Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were all active there. As the seat of the Holy Roman Empire (which included parts of present-day Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia), it was a{{U}} (51) {{/U}}cultural and commercial center{{U}} (52) {{/U}}a cosmopolitan character. Its population of al most 250, 000 (in 1800) made Vienna the fourth largest city in Europe. All three{{U}} (53) {{/U}}masters were born elsewhere, but they were drawn to Vienna to study and to seek{{U}} (54) {{/U}}. In Vienna, Haydn and Mozart became close friends and influenced each other’s musical{{U}} (55) {{/U}}Beethoven traveled to Vienna at sixteen to play fo A. romantic B. bustling C. integrated D. antique [单项选择]完全性生长激素缺乏症患者GH药物刺激试验峰值()
A. <10μg/L B. >10μg/L C. <5μg/L D. >5μg/L E. 5~10μg/L [多选题]根据直接投资外汇管理规定,从投资方向看,直接投资包括( )。
A.境外投资者来我国境内进行的境内直接投资 B.跨境直接投资 C.境内机构境外直接投资 D.证券投资 [单选题]TFDS动态检车员对车钩托梁检测质量标准是()。
A.无破损 B.无裂损 C.无折断 D.无丢失 [多项选择]波特和劳勒的激励模式建立在()的基础上。
A. 期望理论 B. 公平理论 C. 强化理论 D. 双因素理论 E. 需要层次理论 [判断题]投资的收益和风险肯定是成正比的。
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} The United States has a major racial problem on its hands. True, Britain is facing a similar problem, but for the time, being it is in America that it is graver. The only way to solve it is through education. Negroes should know about the contributions that black individuals and groups have made towards building America. This is of vital importance for their self-respect, and it is perhaps even more important for white people to know. For if you believe that a man has no history worth mentioning, it is easy to assume that he has no value as a man. Many people believe that, since the Negro’s achievements do not appear in the history books, he did not have any. Most people are taken aback when they learn that Negroes sailed with Columbus, marched with the Spanish conquerors of South America and fought side by side with white Americans in all their wars. People are astonished when you tell them about Phillis Whe A. They were ignored. B. They were condemned. C. They were belittled. D. They were praised. [单项选择]肾后性肾衰竭的原因是哪项()
A. 休克 B. 双侧输尿管结石 C. X线造影剂 D. 转移性肝癌 E. 骨盆骨折 [单选题]民航局根据威胁评估结果或针对民用航空的具体威胁,有权发布( )和信息通告,采取应对措施。
A.紧急措施 B.安保指令 C.通航指令 D.航行通告 [单选题]广域路由器演进技术是SR+EVPN可以简化协议,同时通过配合SDN控制器,可以实现 流量调优和路径可视( )
A. TRUE B.> FALSE 我来回答: 提交