Teachers need to be aware of the
emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And
they also need to give serious{{U}} (31) {{/U}}to how they can best{{U}}
(32) {{/U}}to such changes. Growing bodies need movement and{{U}}
(33) {{/U}}, but not just in ways that emphasize competition.{{U}}
(34) {{/U}}they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of
new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially
self-conscious and need the{{U}} (35) {{/U}}that comes from achieving
success and{{U}} (36) {{/U}}that their accomplishments are{{U}} (37)
{{/U}}by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled
with so much{{U}} (38) {{/U}}that it would be wise to plan activities in
which there are more winners than losers,{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, publishing
newsletters with many stud A. claimed B. admired C. ignored D. surpassed [单项选择]已知n是一个int型变量,下列语句中错误的是
A. long*p=new long[n]; B. long p[n]; C. long*p=new long(n); D. long p[10]; [填空题]圆形布置的螺栓标识线呈( )。
A. 20mm B. 16.5mm C. 15.5mm D. 14.5mm [单项选择]可能有心功能不全存在
A. 中心静脉压很低,尿量多 B. 中心静压偏低,尿量少 C. 中心静脉压偏低,尿量多 D. 中心静脉压偏高,尿量多 E. 中心静脉压很高,尿量少 [单项选择]下列关于对机械设备安全防护罩的技术要求的叙述,正确的是( )。
A. 只要操作人员可能触及到的传动部件,在防护罩闭合前,传动部件就不可能运转 B. 采用固定防护罩时,操作人员可触及到运转中的活动部件 C. 防护罩与活动部件有足够的间隙,避免防护罩和活动部件之间的任何接触 D. 防护罩应牢固地固定在设备或基础上,拆卸、调节时不必使用工具 [判断题]首次企业公开发行和上市公司再次公开发行证券都需要保荐机构和保荐代表人保荐。保 荐期间分尽职推荐和持续督导两个阶段,各个阶段都有明确的保荐期限。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交