to get from Kathmandu to the tiny
village in Nepal, Dave Irvine-Halliday spent more than two days. When he
arrived, he found villagers working and reading around battery-powered lamps
equipped with light-emitting diodes, or LEDs--the same lamps he had left there
in 2000. Irvine-Halliday, an American photonics engineer, was not surprised. He chose to use LED bulbs because they are rugged, portable, long-lived, and extremely efficient. Each of his lamps produces a useful amount of illumination from just one watt of power. Villagers use them about four hours each night, then top off the battery by pedaling a generator for half an hour. The cool, steady beam is a huge improvement over lamps still common in developing Countries. In fact, LEDs have big advantages over familiar incandescent (白炽的)lights as well--so much so that Irvine-Halliday expects LEDs wil A. LED bulbs are still expensive at present B. the task of making LED the main source of artificial light is too difficult C. LED traffic lights are used everywhere in the world D. in order to fulfill the task of making LED the main light source, lightbulb makers have to work together with semiconductor manufacturers [单项选择]下列关于经济周期的说法中,正确的是()。
A. 当总需求大于总供给时,经济处于萧条或复苏阶段 B. 在萧条或复苏阶段,货币当局应提高利率来避免经济过冷 C. 出现经济周期是由于经济增长的长期决定因素与短期决定因素完全相同 D. 经济周期的最直接原因是总需求和总供给不一致 [单项选择]既滋阴润肺,又清热化痰,善治阴虚劳嗽、肺燥咳嗽
A. 石膏配知母 B. 知母配黄柏 C. 知母配川贝母 D. 栀子配淡豆豉 E. 黄连配木香 [单选题]用于侧向通过列车速度超过80 km/h的单开道岔,辙叉号数不得小于( )。
A.9号 B.12号 C.18号 D.30号 [单项选择]Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Genetically Modified (转基因的) crops are everywhere. It seems even in Europe, strict laws designed to keep the European Union free of GM crops and products are not working, instead are posing problems for the EU: Farmers’ representatives say that supplies of animal feed for poultry and pigs are being refused entry at European ports when found to contain even trace amounts of GM material. Under Europe’s "zero-tolerance" laws on GM, introduced in 2007, the presence of even a few seeds of GM material will rule out an entire shipment. The animal feed industry says that the laws are unworkable because GM material is almost unavoidable, given today’s global supply chain. "Though we understand the consumer concern in Europe, we don’t understand zero tolerance because it closes down trade," says Pekka Pesonen, secretary general of Copa-Cogeca, a federation of groups representing 15 million EU farmers in total. He claims that E A. trade is going down all the way B. people sign trade on time C. goods are getting more expensive D. merchants try risking trading again. [单选题]关于抗原-抗体复合物的调节作用,下列哪一项使错误的
A. 抗原-抗体复合物可以使 BCR 与 FcγRⅡ-B 交联 B. 所形成的抗原-抗体复合物中抗体是 IgG,才能起免疫抑制作用 C. 反应早期产生的抗体类别是 IgM,故所形成的抗原抗体复合物无免疫抑制作用 D. 抗原-抗体复合物使 BCR 交联,故无免疫抑制作用 E. 抗原-抗体复合物参与免疫调节是通过抗体 Fc 段实现的 [填空题] 山林火灾扑救时,不在火线附近阳坡平缓之地( )休息。
A.最大心率百分比 B.最小心率百分比 C.最大耗氧量百分比 D.最小耗氧量百分比 E.靶心率 [单项选择]男性40岁,2小时前突然胸剧痛,呼吸困难进行性加重。体检:发绀,大汗,烦躁不安,右肺呼吸音减弱,BP12/SkPa(90/60mmHg),心率120次/分。最应立即进行的检查是()
A. 心电图 B. 胸部X线 C. B超 D. 心脏超声检查 E. 血液气体分析 [判断题]整体产品包含五个层次,其中最基本的层次是实体层。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]单相异步电动机的常见故障有:只能( )起动,转速低于额定值,发热很快,振动或噪声大等。
A. 满载 B. 重载 C. 半载 D. 空载 [多项选择]在丙公司已研制出样品,丁公司已开始生产的情况下,甲公司的发明为何仍因具有新颖性而被授予专利权?
A. 因该发明在申请日前未在国内公开 B. 因该发明在申请日前未在国际上公开使用 C. 因该发明的核心技术在论文中被透露未经甲公司同意 D. 应该发明达到国际领先水平 [单项选择]根据《移动通信工程钢塔桅结构设计规范》(YD/T5131—2005),单管塔一般采用异型钢管制作,外观向上呈(),为悬臂式的单杆结构。
A. 圆锥形 B. 三角形 C. 四方形 D. 椰圆形 [单项选择]如果诊断得到证实,下一步最重要的治疗是
A. 手术修补主动脉窦瘤 B. 药物治疗 C. 冠状动脉搭桥术 D. Bantall手术 E. 胸腔闭式引流 [单选题]高炉煤气除尘一般( )微米以上的颗粒除尘叫粗除尘,常用重力除尘器。
A.60-100 B.120-150 C.20-40 我来回答: 提交