A. 74851 B. 75869 C. 76895 D. 77582
[单选题]体温调节中枢内具有整合功能的部位是 A.脊髓灰质侧角 B.视前区-下丘脑前部 C.中脑中央灰质 D.脑干网状结构 E.下丘脑后部
[单选题]3GPP组织建议5G网络在高铁场景下的下行体验速率应达到多少? A.lOMbps B.lOOMbps C.50Mbps D.20Mbps
[单选题]()时,禁止就地倒闸操作和更换熔丝。 A.大风 B.雷电 C.大雨 D.大雪
[判断题]发现设备缺陷及异常时,应及时汇报并采取必要应急措施,并自己先进行相应的处置。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]4J4.某幢商品住宅土地出让年限为70年,建设期为2年,该商品住宅经济寿命为50年,该建筑物折旧的经济寿命应为( )年。 A. 50 B. 52 C. 68 D. 70
[单选题]延伸卡环适用于 A.孤立牙 B.远中孤立且有颊或舌向倾斜的磨牙 C.相邻两牙之间有间隙者 D.松动或牙冠外形差的基牙 E.过长牙
[单项选择] 柴油机燃用轻柴油运行中,高压油管异常发热的主要原因是()。 Ⅰ.喷油提前角过大 Ⅱ.喷油压力过高 Ⅲ.供油量过大 Ⅳ.喷油器喷孔堵塞 Ⅴ.喷油器针阀在开启位置咬死 Ⅵ.喷油泵出油阀严重泄漏 A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ B. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅵ D. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅵ
[单选题]建筑地面工程应由( )组织相关单位对分项工程、子分部工程进行检验。 A.施工总包或专业分包 B.建设单位和监理单位 C.监理单位或建设单位 D.施工总包
[简答题]运营调度员组织确保末列载客列车之后开行的切除ATP列车与前行列车行车防护间隔至少( )。
[单选题]对国家海洋环保工作实施监督、指导和协调的部门是 A.国家海洋行政主管部门 B.国家海事行政主管部门 C.国务院环境保护行政主管部门 D.国家渔业行政主管部门
[单项选择]有价证券本金利息分离登记交易属于( )的具体运用。 A. 无套利均衡分析技术 B. 分解技术 C. 组合技术 D. 整合技术
[单选题]列车运行速度( ) km/h及以上线路全封闭、全立交,线路两侧按标准进行栅栏封闭,并设置相应的警示标志。 A.200 B.160 C.120 D.80
[不定项选择题]资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are.
The changes, if widely adopted, would have implications for global telecommunications networks and large corporate data centers, but also for small household networks. The benefits, proponents say, would be more flexible and secure networks that are less likely to suffer from congestion. Someday, they say, networks might even be less expensive to build and operate. The new approach could allow for setting up on-demand "express lanes" for voice and data traffic that is time-sensitive. Or it might let big telecommunications companies, like Verizon or AT&T, use software to combine several fiber optic backbones temporarily for particularly heavy information loads and then have them automatically separate when a data rush hour is over. For households, the new capabilities might let Internet service providers offer remote services like home security or energy control.
The foundation's organizers also say the new technologies will offer ways to improve computer security and could possibly enhance individual privacy within the e-commerce and social networking markets. Those markets are the fastest-growing uses for computing and network resources. While the new capabilities could be crucial to network engineers, for business users and consumers the changes might be no more noticeable than advances in plumbing, heating and air-conditioning. Everything might work better, but most users would probably not know- or care- why or how.
The members of the Open Networking Foundation will include Broadcom, Brocade, Ciena, Cisco, Citrix, Dell, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Facebook, Force10, Google, Hewlett-Packard, I.
B.M., Juniper, Marvell, Microsoft, NEC, Netgear, NTT, Riverbed Technology, Verizon, VMWare and Yahoo. "This answers a question that the entire industry has had, and that is how do you provide owners and operators of large networks with the flexibility of control that they want in a standardized fashion." said Nick McKeown, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford, where his and colleagues' work forms part of the technical underpinnings, called OpenFlow.
The effort is a departure from the traditional way the Internet works. As designed by military and academic experts in the 1960s, the Internet has been based on interconnected computers that send and receive packets of data, paying little heed to the content and making few distinctions among the various types of senders and receivers of information. The intelligence in the original Internet was meant to reside largely at the end points of the network-the computers-while the specialized routing computers were relatively dumb post offices of various size, mainly confined to reading addresses and transferring packets of data to adjacent systems. But these days, when cloud computing means a lot of the information is stored and processed on computers out on the network, there is growing need for more intelligent control systems to orchestrate the behavior of thousands of routing machines. It will make it possible, for example, for managers of large networks to program their network to prioritize certain types of data, perhaps to ensure quality of service or to add security to certain portions of a network. The designers argue that because OpenFlow should open up hardware and software systems that control the flow of Internet data packets, systems that have been closed and proprietary, it will cause a new round of innovation focused principally upon the vast computing systems known as cloud computers.
What is the main purpose of the Open Netwo A.To make networks less expensive to build and operate B.To enhance the capabilities of network engineers C.To set new standards for computer networking D.To promote cloud computing
[单项选择]对企业总体业绩的评价时,我们要考察企业的战略业绩,那么应该考察至少( )年的信息,并作出相应的趋势分析。 A. 一 B. 一 C. 三 D. 四
[单选题]制作询问笔录时,被询问人拒绝签名和捺指印的,应当() A.强制当事人签名 B.在笔录中注明 C.找见证人签名 D.找其他人代签
[多项选择]对公司发放股票股息的说法,正确的是( )。 A. 增加公司资产总额 B. 使公司保留现金,解决公司发展对现金的需要 C. 使公司股票数量增加、股价下降,有利于股票的流通 D. 对得到股票股息的股东在公司中所占权益的份额不会产生影响
[单项选择]临床常见的Ⅰ型变态反应不包括() A. 青霉素过敏性休克 B. 消化道过敏反应 C. 血清过敏性休克 D. 新生儿溶血症 E. 荨麻疹
[单项选择]最多见的老年性痴呆是() A. 阿尔茨海默病 B. 血管性痴呆 C. 路易体痴呆 D. 混合性痴呆 E. 帕金森病痴呆
[单选题] 由于铜具有良好的导热性,所以用铜来制作气电立焊的滑块 【判断题】 A..正确 B..错误
[单选题] 《申请单》核查后,由有限空间设施运维管理单位( )负责配合。现场检查施工单位是否具备测试仪、通风设备及个人防护用品,监护人是否具有特种作业操作证。 A.许可人 B.核查人 C.安全员
[多选题]( )( )部分成员作了调整后,其任期仍应从党代表大会或党员大会选举产生本届委员会之日算起。 A.基层委员会 B.总支部委员会 C.支部委员会 D.基层党委 E.党支部
[判断题]劳务分包人员不得独立承担危险作业以及危险性较大的分部分项工程施工。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]刘小姐在中国工商银行申请贷款购买了一套65平方米的二手房,房屋总价70万元,刘小姐自付21万元,贷款49万元,贷款期限10年。刘小姐从国家有关部门领取《房屋产权证》时,需缴纳印花税()元。 A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 50
[单选题]( )是业务人员上岗操作的指南。 A.部门业务规章 B.业务操作手册 C.基本管理制度 D.内部控制大纲
[单选题]十九大报告指出,( )问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题。 A.科教兴国 B.区域协调 C.农业农村农民
[判断题]《更换钩舌作业指导书》要求手提钩提杆时,若用力过大,易造成钩舌转动,无法验证开锁作用。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]婴儿10~12个月,能独坐,往前方倾斜时能保持平衡而不倒。( ) A.正确 B.错误
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