There is a lot of argument between people who believe in the truth of old weather rhymes (韵文) and people who are reluctant to believe in them. The first group thinks the rhymes are helpful, but many others say that they are just silly devices that are more confusing than useful. For example, one rhyme says, "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailors “delight.” What would it mean The disbelievers ask, if a red sky at night was followed by a moon with a ring around it Are you supposed to discard one of the signs Or perhaps you should dismiss both signs as an oddity of nature. Probably the best idea is to admit that it is an illusion that rhymes can predict the weather and go to bed.
In spite of these problems, people who believe in weather sayings continue to take them seriously. Sometimes they are actually unhappy when the signs do not tell them what they want to hear. On February 2, if the groundhog comes out of its den, sees its
A. prominent scientists are sometimes superstitious
B. flocks of birds roosting on a telephone line signify stormy weather
C. Groundhog Day is February 2
D. The pain in a person's joints is probably caused by a change in blood pressure
{{U}} (31) {{/U}}people don’ t
wake up in the morning, comb their hair, and{{U}} (32) {{/U}}the front
door and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}the world stage. But Britain’ s Prince William
does, though he’s trying his best to act{{U}} (34) {{/U}}an ordinary
person. In many ways, Prince William’ s graduation from Sandhurst Military
Academy earlier this month highlighted his battle for{{U}} (35) {{/U}}.
Last week, he was{{U}} (36) {{/U}}by his grandmother, the Queen, and his
girlfriend, Kate Middleton, who sat with her family in the{{U}} (37)
{{/U}}. "I really do want to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}my own life," William
said in an interview{{U}} (39) {{/U}}. "I value all .the normality I can
get." In 2004, William told the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, "I’d want to go where
my men went and I’ d want to do what they{{U}} (41) {{/U}}". He has since accepted th A. before B. afterwards C. conference D. assembly [判断题]地震和海啸属于次生环境问题。
A.未解决的心理冲突 B.身体器官的脆弱易感倾向 C.自主神经系统的过度活动性 D.习得性反应 [判断题]疏散救人主要途径有建筑外窗、疏散通道、楼梯、消防梯等,主要方法有引导疏散、装备救助、徒手搬运等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单纯性甲状腺肿与甲亢的主要区别在于
A. 甲状腺肿大的程度 B. 甲状腺的质地 C. 甲状腺局部有无震颤 D. 甲状腺双侧是否对称 E. 甲状腺的表面 [单选题]人体试验研究前,研究者应向受试者提供关于试验的真实、足够、完整信息,使受试者对这些信息有正确的理解,做出理性判断,并且能够自由地加以同意,这种做法遵循的伦理原则是:
A.医学目的性原则 B.维护受试者利益原则 C.科学性原则 D.知情同意原则 [单项选择]根据现行消费税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于委托加工应税消费品的组成计税价格的是( )。
A. 含增值税的销售额÷(1+增值税税率或征收率) B. (成本+利润)÷(1-消费税税率) C. 成本×(1+成本利润率)÷(1-消费税税率) D. (材料成本+加工费)÷(1-消费税税率) [单项选择]大学教授:大学生们的论文不如他们过去那样写得好,今年我的学生所写的所有论文几乎都很差,并且不合语法。
下面哪项将最严重地削弱上面教授所作的论述 A. 它需要证实那个教授的学生的变化是大学生作为一个整体的变化的代表。 B. 它没有提供教授是一个写作能力的准确评判者的证据。 C. 它没有考虑教授是一个糟糕老师的可能性。 D. 它没有提供反面的证据。 [单项选择]在半强型有效市场中,下列说法正确的是:
A. 因为价格已经反映了所有的历史信息,所以,技术分析是无效的。 B. 因为价格已经反映了所有公开获得的信息,所以,技术分析是无效的。 C. 因为价格已经反映了包括内幕信息在内的所有信息,所以,基本分析和技术分析都是无效的。 D. 因为价格已经反映了所有公开获得的信息和所有历史信息,所以,基本分析和技术分析都是无效的。 [单项选择]单独应用或与其他降糖药合用,可降低病人的餐后血糖()
A. 曲格列酮 B. 二甲双胍 C. 阿卡波糖 D. 格列苯脲 E. 依克那肽 [判断题]EPON和ADSL一样数据上下行传输不对称,下行带宽大于下行带宽。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交