Behind the brewing war over protecting
patients’ records in an age of HMOs and online medicine. Technology is a two-edged sword. Rarely is this as clear as it is in the realm of health care. Technology allows doctors to test their patients for generic defects--and then to turn around and spread the results throughout the world via the Internet. For someone in need of treatment, that’s good news. But for someone in search of a job or an insurance policy, the ridings can be all bad. Last week President Bill Clinton proposed a corollary to the patients’ bill of rights now before Congress: a right to medical privacy. Beginning In 2002, under rules set to become law in February, patients would be able to stipulate the conditions under which their personal medical data could be divulged. They would be A. American patients’ concealment of their medical information has become a big concern B. a large portion of patients would rather leave their diseases untreated C. concealing medical information is widespread in the U.S. D. paying cash for medical service is a common practice among American patients [单项选择]标准差指标数值越小,则说明变量值()。
A. 越分散,平均数代表性越低 B. 越集中,平均数代表性越高 C. 越分散,平均数代表性越高 D. 越集中,平均数代表性越低 [单选题] 在均匀磁场中,通电线圈的平面与磁力线平行时,线圈受到的转矩为( )。
A.最大值的一半 B.最大 C.零 D.最小 [单选题] "示踪线在燃气管道主管或支管末端须引出至地面, 没有阀门井或信号源井的地方,市政管道( )设置一个检测点。
A.每500∽600米 B.每300∽600米 C.每600∽700米 D.每300∽500米" [判断题]电缆识别仪信号发生器由直流电源供电()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下关于各部门在保函/备用信用证业务中,职责分工描述错误的是_________。
A.国际业务部门负责涉外保函业务的技术条款和相关外管政策的审核 B.信贷管理部门负责涉外保函业务的授权授信管理和业务审查 C.客户部门负责涉外保函业务的客户调查及贷后管理 D.内控合规监督部门(反洗钱中心)负责对有关部门提交的无法判断的制裁名单预警进行初审、复审 [填空题]发现通过列车错开站台侧车门时,应立即( )。
[填空题]20 May, 2000
Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 20 May referring to your order No. 252. We are glad to hear that the consignment (交货) was delivered promptly (迅速地). We regret, however, that case No. 46 did not contain the goods you ordered. We have investigated the matter and find that we did make a mistake in putting the order together. We have arranged for the correct goods to be dispatched(发送) to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready. Please keep case No. 46 and its contents until called for by our agents who have been in- formed of the situation. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller What did they make up for after the mistake They have arranged to send ______ immediately. [单项选择]张某,女,23岁,未婚,银行职员。
A. 根据N、E量表 B. 根据P、L量表 C. 根据L量表 D. 根据N量表 我来回答: 提交