After flexing its mechanical arm and
finding some puzzling chemistry in a patch of Martian soil,the robotic rover
Spirit began investigating the composition of a rock named Adirondack yesterday
with two science instruments and a microscopic camera. Following programmed instructions from flight controllers, the six-wheel rover made several short turns and moved forward about six feet. It stopped within inches of the pyramid-shaped rock, about the size of a football. It was the vehicle’s second maneuver on the Martian surface since landing there on Jan. 3. Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said they did not expect results of the first rock examination until early today. But they were already both pleased and puzzled over the soil test results. "We’re starting to put together a picture of A. a kind of volcanic soil containing lava and mineral rock B. a kind of volcanic rock with its main content of lava and magnesium C. a kind of rock mainly consisting of oxygen, iron and magnesium D. a kind of oxygen with iron and magnesium [单项选择]自旋回波(SE)序列中去相位是在()
A. 180°脉冲激励后 B. 180°脉冲激励时 C. 90°脉冲激励后 D. 磁场不均匀所致的相位差别 E. 以上都不对 [简答题]已知数据文件in80.dat中存有300个4位数,并已调用函数readDat( )把这些数存入数组a中,请编制一函数jsValue( ),其功能是:求出个位数上的数减千位数上的数减百位数上的数减十位数上的数大于0的个数cnt,再求出所有满足此条件的4位数平均值pjz1,以及所有不满足此条件的4位数平均值pjz2,最后调用函数writeDat( )把结果cnt,pjz1,pjz2输出到out80.dat文件。
例如:1239,9-1,2-3>0,则该数满足条件,计算平均值pjz1,且个数cnt=cnt+1。 8129,9-8-1-2<0,则该数不满足条件,计算平均值pjz2。 注意:部分源程序已给出。 程序中已定义数组:a[300],b[300],已定义变量:cnt,pjz1,pjz2。 请勿改动主函数main( )、读函数readDat( )和写函数writeDat( )的内容。 试题程序: # include<stdio.h> int a[300], cnt=0; double pjz1=0.0,pjz2=0.0; void jsValue( ) main ( ) int i; readDat( ); jsValue( ); writeDat( ); printf ("cnt=%d/n 满足条件的平均值 pjz1=%7.21f/n 不满足条件的平均值 pjz2=%7.21f/n",cnt,pjz1,pjz2); readDat ( ) FILE *fp; int i; fp=fopen("in80.dat","r"); for(i=0;i<300;i++) fscanf(fp,"%d,",&a[i]); fclose(fp); writeDat( ) FILE *fp; int i; fp=fopen("out80.dat","w" [单选题]《铁路车站行车作业人身安全标准》规定,去专用线或货物线调车作业,事先派人检查有困难时,应在( )中规定检查确认方法。
A.《行车组织规则》 B.《站细》 C.作业标准 D.调车作业计划 [判断题]在机械基础中约束反力的作用点即是约束与物体之间的相对作用点。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]甲公司是一家快速成长的上市公司,目前因项目扩建急需筹资1亿元。由于当前公司股票价格较低,公司拟通过发行可转换债券的方式筹集资金,并初步拟定了筹资方案。有关资料如下:
[单选题]"所有工作票须交给专人统一保管,时间不少于( )个月。
A.3 B.6 C.12 D.72 [判断题]134
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列选项中,属于一般D类事故的有( )。
A.调车相撞 B.客运列车分离 C.列车拉铁鞋开车 D.调车作业碰轧脱轨器、防护信号,或未撤防护信号动车 [单项选择]根据《医疗机构药师管理规定》,药师对医师处方用药适宜性审核的依据不包括()
A. 药物临床应用指导原则 B. 临床路径 C. 临床诊疗指南 D. 药品说明书 E. 药品价格 [判断题]通过电感线圈的电流,不能发生突变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]政府将财政支出主要用于满足社会公共需要方面,这体现了公共财政的()特征。
A. 公平性 B. 非营利性 C. 法制性 D. 效益性 [单选题]如果一次注入洗胃液过多会引起
A.胃内压升高引起反射性心跳加快 B.胃内压降低引起反射性心跳骤停 C.胃内压降低毒物吸收增加 D.胃内压升高毒物吸收增加 E.胃内压降低毒物吸收减少 [单选题] CE001 构成班组活动的要素主要有( )。
A.人、物、财 B.人、物、先进的技术和信息 C.人、物、财以及先进的技术和信息 D.先进的技术和信息 [单项选择]商业银行、信用社申请代理支库业务的,()有权审批。
A. 人民银行县支行 B. 人民银行地市中心支行 C. 人民银行各分行 D. 人民银行地市中心支行国库部门 [判断题]( )井控设备法兰钢圈安装,对于RX型螺栓要相对BX有较大的上紧力。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]无权代理是指行为人没有代理权而以他人名义进行民事、经济活动,其情况包括( )。
A.拒绝担任代理人 B.代理权范围内的代理行为 C.没有代理权的代理行为 D.超越代理权限的代理行为 E.代理权终止的代理行为 [单选题]单线半自动闭塞区间出站调车时,须发给司机( )。 2
A.半自动闭塞发车进路通知书 B.路票 C.出站调车通知书 [单选题]《电力建设工程预算定额 第三册 电气设备安装工程》(2018年版)中规定,不属于定额机械费中包括的施工机械是( )。
A.A、万用表 B.B、载重量为5吨的汽车 C.C、高空作业车 D.D、介质损耗测试仪 [单选题],响墩、火炬应至少( )实验一次
A.半年 B.一年 C.一个季度 D.一个月 [填空题]Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 【B1】 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 【B2】 man. But they insisted that its 【B3】 results during the period from 1740 to 1840 were widespread poverty and misery for the 【B4】 of the English population. 【B5】 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1640 to 1740, when England was still a 【B6】 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.
This view, 【B7】 . is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 【B8】 history and economics, have 【B9】 two things: that the period from 1640 to 1740 was 【B10】 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.
A. A.On B.With C.For D.By [判断题]“审核准则”就是指GB/T19001标准。
[单选题]防止联锁失效的重点不包括下列( )。[921000000]
A.电源对地电流超标 B.联锁试验不彻底 C.不填写联锁试验表 D.电缆绝缘不良造成混线 [多项选择]
中国居民王滨是一家国有企业员工,其2015年10月份的收入情况如下: A. 税率是20%,减征20% B. 应纳税所得额是2400 C. 应纳税所得额是2200 D. 实际税负是14% [单选题]跨局的旅客列车经铁道部准许,方可在列车后部加挂货车,但不得超过()。
A.1辆 B.2辆 C.3辆 D.4辆 [单选题]The tendency of an airmass to resist vertical motion is called _______ .
A.turbulence B.stability C.balance D.vertical development [判断题]高层建筑发生火灾,开通广播系统应先通知着火楼层和受烟火威胁的上层人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,40岁,因胃溃疡急性出血住院治疗,给予止血、药物治疗,禁食2d后,出血停止,疼痛症状减轻,此时可给该患者选用()
A. 清流质饮食 B. 厚流质饮食 C. 半流质饮食 D. 低蛋白、低脂肪饮食 E. 普食 [多项选择]出自龚自珍的《己亥杂诗》的是()。
A. “落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花” B. “新世瑰奇异境生,更搜欧亚造新声。” C. “我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才” D. “江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年” E. “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。” F. “凭栏一片风云气,来作神州袖手人。” [判断题]电感和电容并联电路出现并联谐振时,并联电路的端电压与总电流同相位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 记录GMP活动数据所用空白记录模板的发放。
A.有效控制 B.无需控制 C.可以随意对 D.定期对 [单选题]在区间线路上施工,使用移动停车信号防护时,现场防护人员应站在距施工地点()m附近,且瞭望条件较好的地点显示停车手信号。
A.20 B.50 C.500 D.800 [简答题]清单规范对于工程量的有效位数如何规定?
Yes, I agree. Lovely breakfast. Very nice. Excellent coffee, especially, don’t you think Anyway, as I was telling you, it happens to me every time I go to a new place: I always end up paying twice or three times as much as I should for the first ride. But last night was the worst ever. The train got in at about eleven, so I felt lucky to get one--though it looked a bit old and battered. But he was so polite--and you don’t get much of that these days. "Let me take your bags," he says. "It’s a hot, sticky night," he says, "but don’t worry, madam, it’s air-conditioned, "--and it was, surprisingly--"just relax and I’ll get you there in no time." So we went for miles down this road and that road and he pointed out all sorts of buildings and other sights that he said I’d appreciate when I could see them properly in the morning. And he told me that though this was one of the few cities in the world where [判断题](判断题).健康风险评估的主要用途包括评价患病危险性的变化
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有两个独立的随机样本,样本含量分别为n1和n2,进行两小样本均数比较的t检验,其自由度为:
A. n1+n2 B. n1-n2 C. n1+n2-1 D. n1+n2-2 [判断题]起重物品应绑牢,吊钩要挂在物品的重心线上。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交