There are stock markets(股票市场) in large
cities in many countries. The stock exchange is a place where people can buy or
sell shares of a factory or company. And each share means certain ownership of a
factory or company. Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich, who buy stocks to try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money. Of course, investing(投资) money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down, and the investors will lose money. The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons. Everyone wants the stock to go up, but sometimes even if a factory or company does [单选题]公司投资项目应以(____)为中心。
A.需求 B.投资能力 C.效益 D.经营状况 [多选题]国家对煤炭开发实行( )的方针。
A.A、统一规划 B.B、综合利用 C.C、国有民营 D.D、合理布局 [单选题]施工机具和安全工器具入库、出库、使用后应进行检查。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]监视器、投影机、录音机等附属品按规定办理托运手续免费运输。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于ZDJ9转辙机组成结构的是()
A.手摇把 B.锁闭杆 C.动作杆 D.摩擦联接器 [填空题]These four introductory training courses will generally last two or three hours each and will be timetabled over the first two weeks of your employment. For all of the courses, you should go to the Training Center, except for the Health and Safety Course which is held in Room 301.
The first course will begin with a tour of the building. You will be shown key places such as the post room, the first aid room and the Chief Executive’s office. Everyone must attend the second course, on health and safety. This will include what to do in case of fire. Any employees who would like to follow a course on emergency first aid should tell their instructor after this talk. The third course covers company goals, plus information on the structure of company and the senior management team. The final course looks at hours of ’work, salaries and sick leave. However, we will not be able to discuss individual contracts and job descriptions. If you have any doubts about what you [单项选择]犊鼻穴的主治作用是()。
A. 膝关节痛,脚气 B. 头痛目眩,眼疾 C. 失眠心悸,梦遗 D. 肘关节痛,咳喘 [填空题]环氧乙烷水合反应器出口DEG浓度偏高的原因是进料( )。
[多选题]统计调查项目类别按调查频率分( )。
A.A:周期性普查。 B.B:典型性调查。 C.C:经常性调查。 D.D:一次性调查。 E.略 F.略 [判断题]大额交易报告累计交易金额以客户为单位进行上报。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]开进入有限空间作业票时,应分析设备内氧含量,含氧为()时合格。
A. 19.5%一23.5% B. 18.5%一23.5% [单选题]董事会对()履行消费者权益保护职责情况进行监督,对相关工作进行审议,包括但不限于年度消费者权益保护工作计划、开展情况、重大事项、信息披露等,并形成相关决议。
A.董事会 B.监事会 C.股东大会 D.高管层 [判断题]质量检验机构出具虚假证明,应责令改正,对单位处以五万元以上十万元以下罚款。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]淀粉浆的制备方法有( )
A.冲浆法 B.煮浆法 C.熔和法 D.研和法 E.乳化法 [多选题]17.在安全生产管理中,运用人本原理的原则有( )。
A.安全第一原则 B.整分合原则 C.动力原则 D.激励原则 E.能级原则 [多项选择]休克的特殊监测指标包括
A. 动脉血乳酸盐测定 B. 中心静脉压 C. 心排出量 D. 肺毛细血管楔压 E. 血细胞比容 [单项选择]粮仓虫害有甲虫、螨虫、蛾类,最适宜这些昆虫卵孵化系列的温度和温度分别是
A. 10~15℃,>65% B. 18~21℃,<60% C. 18~21℃,>65% D. 22~25℃,<60% E. 26~30℃,<60% [多选题]燃烧是一种氧化还原反应,一般伴有()等基本特征表明它不同于一般的氧化还原反应。(易)
A.放热 B.发光 C.发烟 D.火焰 [单选题]双线区段线桥工区应配备的停车信号牌、减速信号牌、减速地点标、“T”字减速信号的数量为( )。
A.2个 B.4个 C.4个 D.8个 [单项选择]关于施工组织设计作用的叙述,错误的是( )。
A. 指导工程投标与签订工程承包合同 B. 作为投标书的内容和合同文件的一部分 C. 指导施工前的多次性准备和工程施工中的部分工作 D. 作为项目管理的规划性文件 [简答题]水泥砂浆防水层的基层质量应符合什么要求
[判断题](难)《供电营业规则》规定,供电设施的运行维护管理范围,按产权归属确定。10千伏及以下公用高压线路供电的,以用户厂界外或配电室前的第一断路器或第一支持物为分界点,第一断路器或第一支持物属供电企业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]铜线的电阻温度系数为Xc=__________。
[单选题]使用带有闸片的制动钳夹紧安装在车轮两侧或车轴上的制动盘,使其发生摩擦阻力而产生制动作用称为( )。
A.闸瓦制动 B.盘形制动 C.轨道电磁制动 [判断题]铁塔构建钢材的主材最小厚度不应小于3mm。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交