OPEN-OUTCRY trading is supposed to be a
quaint, outdated practice, rapidly being replaced by sleeker, cheaper electronic
systems. Try telling that to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the
world’s largest commodities exchange. On November 1st the NYMEX opened an
open-outcry pit in Dublin to handle Brent crude futures, the benchmark contract
for pricing two-thirds of the world’s oil. The NYMEX is trying to snatch liquidity from London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), which trades the most Brent contracts; the New York Exchange has hitherto concentrated on West Texas Intermediate, an American benchmark grade. The new pit is a response to the IPE’s efforts to modernise. On the same day as NYMEX traders started shouting Brent prices in Dublin, the IPE did away with its morning open-outcry s A. They are both adopting open-outcry trading practice. B. They are both making efforts to modernize the trading practice. C. They are competing in the oil trading market. D. They are competing to take the largest share in world’s commodity trade. [单项选择]关于单纯骨软骨瘤的临床表现,下列哪项不符合()。
A. 多见于年轻人 B. 多发生于干骺端 C. 生长年龄结束后肿瘤不停止生长 D. 1%的患者可以恶化 E. 单发性骨软骨瘤比多发性恶变机会少 [单选题]按照《带电作业用工具库房》标准要求,活动空间与工具存放空间的比例为( )。
A.0.042361111111111 B.0.043055555555556 C.0.04375 D.0.044444444444444 [单项选择]女性,26岁,头昏、乏力3个月,偶有牙龈出血,体查时贫血貌,浅表淋巴结及肝、脾不大,骨髓增生低下,巨核细胞未见,淋巴细胞相对增多,下列哪项治疗是错误的()
A. 雄激素可损害肝功能 B. 避免使用皮质激素 C. 异基因骨髓移植最有效 D. 脾切除对部分患者可以有效 E. 反复输血可致铁负荷过重 [单选题]在只有同轴电缆无五类线的房间内增强无线信号可以采用( )技术。
A.POE B.电力猫 C.EOC D.WOC [单选题]当听到跑步走的动令时,上体微向前倾,两腿微弯,同时左脚利用右脚掌的蹬力跃出约()
A.75厘米 B.85厘米 C.95厘米 D.105厘米 [多选题]对于查验记录良好的车辆应随着( )的建立逐步( )提高查验效率。( )
A.可信度 B.信用机制 C.减少查验频率 D.减少预约率 [单项选择]用电火花检漏仪检测防腐层时,主机电源打开并无高压输出,()后,才有高压输出。
A. 接好接地线 B. 接好检测探头 C. 接通报警电路 D. 拉开保险栓,按动高压枪上的按钮 [单项选择]高分子防水材料外观质量在不影响使用的条件下,片材表面缺陷气泡应符合深度不超过片材厚度的30%,每1m2内不得超过(),树酯类片材()有。
A. 5mm2;允许 B. 5mm2;不允许 C. 7mm2;允许 D. 7mm2;不允许 [判断题]为了更好的完成持球突破技术,通常要结合假动作。
A.生产 B.产品 C.推销 D.社会营销 [单选题]根据有关规定,基金赎回费在扣除手续费后,余额不得低于赎回费总额的( ),并应当归入基金财产。
A.25% B.20% C.30% D.10% [判断题]甲要求乙归还5000元借款, 乙声称根本没有借钱予以拒绝, 乙在 行使履行抗辩权。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当煤层埋藏较深、表土层厚或情况比较复杂或多小平开拓急倾斜煤层时,可采用()开拓。
A. 立井 B. 斜井 C. 平硐 D. 综合 [简答题]始发货物列车“基础制动”部分的检查范围和质量标准是如何规定的?
A. 湿热弥漫三焦,热入营血 B. 少腹扪及肿块,进而形成瘕积 C. 血淋 D. 肝风内动 E. 气淋 [判断题]影响柴油十六烷值的主要组分是多环芳烃。
[单选题] 轻型载货汽车的总质量为_______kg。
A.大于4500 B.小于4500 C.小于等于4500 D.小于等于4000 [多选题] 依据《DL 5009.2-2013 电力建设安全工作规程 第2部分电力线路》第3.2.3.8条规定:电气设备及电动工具的使用遵守下列规定:
A.不得超铭牌使用 B.金属外壳应接地 C.不得将电线直接钩挂在闸刀上或直接插入插座内使用 D.电动机械和工具应做到“一机一闸一保护”不得一个开关或一个插座接两台及以上电气设备或电动工具 [单项选择]患儿生后24~48h内出现呕吐,吐物为黏液样,一般情况好,最可能的诊断为羊水吞入,首选的治疗措施
A. 静脉使用抗生素 B. 洗胃 C. 口服止吐药物 D. 禁食 E. 口服阿托品 [单选题]九号线一期工程综合监控系统中前置机在应用平台中使用的工程类型是( )
A.standard project B.redundant distributed C.remote UI project D.remote drive project [单项选择]第二篇 Please Fasten Your Seatbelts
Severe turbulence (湍流) can kill aircraft passengers. Now, in test flights over the Rocky Mountains, NASA (美国航空航天局) engineers have successfully detected clear-air turbulence up to 10 seconds before an aircraft hits it.
Clear-air turbulence often catches pilots by surprise. Invisible to radar, it is difficult to forecast and can hurl (用力抛出去) passengers about the cabin. In December 1997, one passenger died and a hundred others were injured when unexpected rough air caused a United Airlines flight over the Pacific to drop 300 metres in a few seconds.
However, passengers can avoid serious injury by fastening their seatbelts. “It is the only antidote (对策) for this sort of things,” says Rod Bogue, project manager at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.
The centre’s new turbulence detector is based on lidar, or laser radar, Laser pulses are sent ahead of the plane and these are then reflected back by particles in the air. The techni
A. the lidar detector can successfully forecast turbulence. B. researchers are not sure about the effectiveness of the lidar detector. C. passenger planes will be used in further experiments. D. no more test flights are needed. [单项选择]SS3电动机车哪个电空阀得电会使中继阀自锁()。
A. 检查电空阀255 B. 排2电空阀256 C. 中立电空阀253 D. 重联电空阀259 [多项选择]下列属于财务会计报告组成部分的是( )。
A. 会计报表 B. 会计报表附注 C. 其他应当在财务会计报告中披露的资料 D. 财务分析报告 [填空题]肉芽肿根据病因可分为()和异物性肉芽肿两种。
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