[A] Is that what the American viewing public is getting Perhaps 10% of prime-time network programming is a happy combination of entertainment and enrichment. There used to be television movies rich in human values, but they have now become an endangered species. I find television too much concerned with what people have and too little concerned with who they are, very concerned with taking care of No. 1 and not at all concerned with sharing themselves with other people. All too often it tells us the half truth we want to hear rather than the whole truth we need to hear.
[B] Why is television not more fully realizing its humanizing potential Is the creative community at fault Partially. But not primarily. I have lived and worked in that community for 32 years, as both priest and producer. As a group, these people have values. In fact, in Hollywood in recent months, audience enrichment has become the in thing. A coalition of media companies has endowed the Humanitas Priz
Concern with money, and then more
money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought
great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever
before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is
disappearing. Offices, shops and factories are discovering the greater
efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of
work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus th A. prefer the modern life style B. actually enjoy working at the assembly line C. are more concerned with money than in the past D. are more competitive than the old generation [单选题] 在大型吊装中,若采用2个以上吊点起吊时,每点的吊索与水平线的夹角不宜小于( )。
A.70° B.60° C.50° D.45° [判断题]( ) 降雾、暴风雨雪时,禁止溜放调车。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何办理装修许可证?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《普速铁路接触网安全工作规则》(铁总运[2017]25号),作业范围内加挂的接地线不得影响正常作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]某县公安局下党派出所实行“1 警+5 员”工作模式,即每名民警(辅警)身兼引导员、服务员、巡防员、调解员、联络员 5 个角色。在这一模式下派出所 4 名民警、4 名辅警全部挂职兼任村干部,真正走到群众中去。同时,开设“下党民警在身边”微信号,让每一户群众中至少有一人实名加入微信群,坚持做到“民需警应”。下列对该工作模式的理解,正确的有:
A.“1 警+5 员”工作模式体现了公安工作的宗旨和出发点 B.“1 警+5 员”工作模式是公安工作基本方法的具体应用 C.“1 警+5 员”工作模式并未体现公安机关执法思想的核心 D.“1 警+5 员”工作模式强调的是发挥人民群众在社会治理中的力量 [判断题]正压式空气呼吸器的使用方法分为5个步骤,分别为:1.准备设备2.背上气瓶3.戴上面罩4.负压测试5.连接起源.
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《出入境管理法》有下列哪些情形之一的不批准出境?()
A. 刑事案件的被告人和公安机关或者人民检察院或人民法院认定的犯罪嫌疑人; B. 在人民法院有民事案件没有结案的当事人; C. 被判处刑罚正在服刑的; D. 正在被劳动教养的; [多项选择]我国古代和近代土地所有权制度自成体系,大致可分为______等时期。
A. 原始社会的土地共有制 B. 原始社会的土地私有制 C. 农奴主所有制、封建社会的土地制度 D. 奴隶社会的土地奴隶主 E. 近代半封建半殖民地土地制度 [单选题]无差异曲线的坐标分别为( )
A.两种消费品; B.消费品和价格; C.两种生产要素; D.生产要素及其产出 [填空题]列车施行常用制动时,货物列车运行速度在()以下时,不应缓解列车制动。
A. 邢幺吵吵 B. 方治国 C. 陈新老爷 D. 俞视学 [单选题]人工撬挖土石方边坡开挖时,应( )开挖,依次进行。
A.同时开挖 B.由下往上 C.由上往下 D.以上都不对 [单选题] 转速表显示电动机转速读数为1200转,表明电动机是( )1200转。
A.每小时 B.每分钟 C.每秒钟 D.每天 [判断题]加气站内的安全阀下部的手动阀门在正常情况下应处于常开状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用人单位为劳动者个人提供的职业病防护用品必须符合防治职业病的要求;不符合要求的,不得使用( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]管理中心运作住房公积金的基本要求是( )。
A. 效益性 B. 安全性 C. 流动性 D. 风险性 [单选题]禁止()停、送电。
A.同时 B.约时 C.分时 D.按时 [多选题]项目组负责编写上线材料,包括:_____。
A.上线方案 B.安装部署手册 C.运行维护手册 D.用户操作手册 [判断题]起重链不得打扭,亦不得拆成单股使用
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交