Ironically, in the United States, a
country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious
problems. There was often (1) between each established
group of (2) and each succeeding group. As each group became
(3) financially successful, and more powerful, they
(4) newcomers from full participation in the society.
Prejudice and discrimination are (5) U.S. history,
(6) , this prejudicial treatment of different groups is
(7) more unjust than with black Americans. Blacks had distinct (8) . For the most part, they came to the "land of opportunity" as slaves and were not free to keep their (9) and cultural traditions. (10) most European immigrants, blacks did not have the protection of a support group; sometimes slave owners separated members of (11) A. heritage B. inheritance C. legends D. identifications [多选题]SDH光传输系统光口接口标准
A.STM-1 B.STM-2 C.STM-4 D.STM-8 [单项选择]有一些非常受欢迎的冰淇淋店,最近将一种冰淇淋的单价从过去的A.D0元提到B元,销售仍然不错。然而,在提价一周之内,几个服务员陆续辞职不干了。下列哪一项最能解释上述现象
A. 提价后顾客不再象过去那样能将剩下的零钱作为小费。 B. 提高价格使该店不能继续保持其冰淇淋良好的市场占有率。 C. 尽管冰淇淋涨价了,老主顾们依然经常光顾该店。 D. 尽管提了价,该店的冰淇淋仍然比其他商店卖得便宜。 [判断题]当自动制动阀处在制动位时,均衡风缸的压力空气排入大气,均衡风缸压力下降。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]糖皮质激素禁用于缺乏有效抗生素的感染是因为()。
A. 水钠潴留 B. 抑制蛋白质合成 C. 促进胃酸分泌 D. 抑制机体防御功能 E. 提高中枢神经系统的兴奋性 [多选题]电力电缆的标志牌应与( )的名称一致。
A.电网系统图 B.电缆走向图 C.电缆厂家 D.电缆资料 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产禁令》,严禁未经()进入设备安全距离范围内。
A.许可 B.停电 C.验电 D.接地 [多选题] 操纵机车时,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.未缓解机车制动不得调负荷 B.未缓解机车制动不得减负荷 C.未缓解机车制动不得加负荷 D.运行中或未停稳前,严禁换向操纵。 E.运行中或未停稳前,严禁操纵手柄 [单项选择]电子邮件对于( ),相当于( )对于指南针
A. 网络:工具 B. 书信:导航仪 C. 信息:方向 D. 邮件:卫星 [填空题]天窗分为( )天窗和维修天窗。(应知应会-《普速铁路工务安全规则》-第2.1.6条)
[单选题]为防止柱塞泵汽蚀,下列措施中( )对保证柱塞泵正常工作是无效地。
A.控制液体温度 B.提高吸入口压力 C.降低泵的安装高度 D.降低吸入口压力 我来回答: 提交