75% 乙醇
In 1997, devotees of home electronics
eagerly awaited the DVD player, a new device that could play movies without
videotape, and with greater clarity. It caught on even faster than CD music
players and within four years, DVD movies surpassed VHS tapes in sales. The
DVD’s success is just on example of a historic shift from analog to digital
technologies. They began with computing and are now spreading to industries from
banking to publishing. Products and services are shedding the limits of their
physical form to become encoded information that never degrades, can be
reproduced perfectly and distributed around the world in minutes, or
less. Another example is photography: by the end of this year, tile number of images captured digitally each day is expected to surpass the number of images captured on film. With digital ca A. experience of the changes B. hope for changes C. admiration of the changes D. analysis of the changes [多选题]常用的多缸发动机有 ( ) 发动机。
A. 四缸 B. 二缸 C. 六缸 D. 八缸 [单选题]《高速铁路工务安全规则》第4.3.3条规定:钢轨打磨列车作业停留时,应及时对钢轨打磨列车进行除渣工作,同时清理洒落在轨面和轨道上的残留物。过道岔时应确认道岔内无磨屑块掉落。道岔打磨车作业结束后,应及时清除( )上的残留物。
A.滑床板 B.轨面 C.轨道板上 D.道心 [不定项选择题]热邪壅肺证,可见( )。
A.咳嗽,咯痰稀白 B.咳嗽,痰多泡沫 C.咳喘,咯痰黄稠 D.咳嗽,痰少难咯 E.咳喘,痰多易咯 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} A team of international researchers has found new evidence that an endangered subspecies of chimpanzee is the source of the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Experts said the finding could lead to new treatments for AIDS and contribute to the development of a vaccine against the disease. The research team said the chimp -- a subspecies known as Pan troglodytes troglodytes native to west central Africa -- carries a simixan immunodeficiency virus (SIV) that is closely related to three strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. One of these strains, HIV - 1, has caused the vast majority of the estimated 30 million HIV infections around the world. The researchers are uncertain when the chimp virus, called SIVcpz (for simixan immunodeficiency virus chimpanzee), first infected humans, although the oldest documented case of HIV has been link A. hunting and killing more chimpanzees. B. more champ hunters moving to cities C. people’s changed sexual behaviors. D. travelling to more African countries. [判断题]( )集体利益不包含集体中每一个人的利益。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在SY航班状态显示中,( )显示的是本航班的飞机布局载客量
A.CAP/C18Y193 B.CNF/C18Y196 C.AV/C18Y193 D.CAT/18/193 [判断题]我国新建和改建的正线都采用66kg/m钢轨,重载运煤专线线路采用85kg/m钢轨。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]In relation to close corporation law, discuss a member’s power to bind the close corporation in contract. (10 marks)
[单选题]( )是一种无色、有臭鸡蛋气味的气体,属神经性毒物。
A. 硫化氢 B. 一氧化碳 C. 甲烷 D. 氨气 [判断题]过火焦的情况之一是上升管的火焰呈金黄色,火焰较长。
[单选题]“樱桃好吃树难栽,不下功夫花不开。”理想是美好的,令人向往的,但理想不能自动实现。把理想变为现实的根本途径是( )
A.积极投身社会实践 B.认真学习科学理论 C.逐步确立坚定信念 D.大胆畅想美好未来 [单项选择]张某个人出资在甲市设立一家快餐店,由于经营得当,很快名声远扬。为扩大规模,张某于半年后在乙市又设立一家快餐分店。根据我国个人独资企业法,以下观点不正确的是( )。
A. 张某应在甲市的登记机关申请快餐分店的登记,并报乙市登记机关备案 B. 张某应在乙市的登记机关申请快餐分店的登记,并报甲市登记机关备案 C. 乙市快餐分店不具有相应的民事权利能力,但仍能在快餐店授权范围内承担一定的保证责任 D. 乙市快餐分店不具有相应的民事权利能力,其民事责任由甲快餐店承担 [判断题]光缆型号为GYTA53-12A1。其表示意义:松套层绞结构,金属加强件,铝-塑粘接护层,皱纹钢带铠装,聚乙烯外护套,室内用通信光缆,内装12根渐变型多模光纤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采煤工作面采用串联通风时, 被串工作面的进风巷必须设置( )传感器。
A.甲烷 B.温度 C.一氧化碳 D.风速 [判断题]发展规二〔2013〕327号文规定,省经研院出具的220、110(66)千伏项目可研评审意见报国网总部备案
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]管理学的工作内容有( )
A. 决策 B. 组织 C. 领导 D. 控制 E. 创新 我来回答: 提交