{{B}}Man of Few Words{{/B}} Everyone chases success, but not all of US want to be famous. South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee is{{U}} (1) {{/U}}for keeping himself to himself. When the 63-year-old was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature earlier this month, reporters were warned that they would find him "particularly difficult to{{U}} (2) {{/U}}. Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at the University of Chicago. He seemed{{U}} (3) {{/U}}by the news he won the USS 1.3 million prize. "It came as a complete surprise. I wasn’t even aware they were due to make the announcement," he said. His{{U}} (4) {{/U}}of privacy led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend the prize, giving i A. Dealing B. Handling C. Solving D. Removing [单选题]患者男,33岁,一周前感冒,继之眼睑浮肿,并延及全身,伴肢节酸楚,发热恶寒,小便少。治疗用方是( )。
A.疏凿饮子 B.越婢加术汤 C.实脾饮 D.五苓散 E.猪苓汤 [判断题]水域救援,在岸基可利用云梯消防车营救急流中礁石上的被困人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SF6气体的密度比空气________,会沉积在电缆沟等低洼处。()
A.大 B.相等 C.小 D.不确定 [单项选择]关于酶活性中心的叙述,正确的是
A. 酶原有能发挥催化作用的活性中心 B. 由一级结构上相互邻近的氨基酸组成 C. 必需基团存在的唯一部位 D. 均由亲水氨基酸组成 E. 含结合基闭和催化基团 [单选题]用计算机生成或打印的动火工作票应使用统一的票面格式,由工作票签发人审核无误,且必须手工签名后方可执行。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]道岔改道作业,一般把方向较差的一股基本轨拨进来,轨距过大时需同时改动两股基本轨。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following does NOT give the sellers conveniences or advantages
A. Electronic cash registers. B. Electronic recorders. C. Credit cards. D. Computers. [单选题] "燃气管道穿越管沟、建筑物基础、墙和楼板时套管内主管应采用( )。
A.热缩套防腐 B.热缠带防腐 C.冷缠带防腐 D.不须防腐" [简答题] 民事诉讼的状书程序包括哪几种法律文书?
[判断题]在实施的过程中,因现场情况发生了变化,施工单位对方案进行了调整,调整后的方案可以不进行论证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]水平是指轨道上左右两股钢轨顶面的高差。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交