应首先作的最简单的检查是() The climate of Earth is changing.
Climatologists are confident that over the past century, the global average
surface temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius. This warming
is thought to be at least partly the result of human activities, such as the
burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculture. As the
global population grows and national economies expand, the global average
temperature is expected to continue increasing by an additional 1.0 to 3.5℃ by
the year 2100. Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues facing humankind. Understanding the potential impacts of climate change for natural ecosystems is essential if we are going to manage our environment to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and maximize the opportunities that it may offer. Because natural ecosystems are comp A. The burning of fuels such as coal or oil. B. The clearing of forests. C. The cultivation of farmland. D. The negative consequences of human activities. [不定项选择题](四) 某市土地储备中心准备拍卖一块城市中心区的空地,规划用途为商住两用,A房地产开发公司准备竞标开发。
若开发的项目总面积为6000m2,固定总成本1200万元,单位变动成本为2000元/m2,销售税费率为10%,开发商的目标利润为1000万元,则该项目全部销售出去的保本价格和目标利润销售价格分别是( )万元。
A.4400、4620 B.4444、4620 C.4444、6296 D.4400、6296 [单选题]特殊情况下,确需在恶劣天气进行露天高处抢修时,应组织人员充分讨论必要的安全措施,经()批准后方可进行。
A.运维人员 B.值班调控人员 C.领导 D.本单位 [名词解释]大宛
A. 流行病学是研究有关群体的学科 B. 流行病学是与公共卫生有关的学科 C. 流行病学是与疾病治疗有关的学科 D. 流行病学是与预防有关的学科 E. 流行病学是与疾病防治有关的学科 [单选题]党的( )十八届五中全会把扶贫攻坚改成了脱贫攻坚,明确到年我国现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困。
A.2020年 B.2030年 C.2035年 [单选题]采用大型养路机械进行线路综合维修作业时,应拆除所有( ) 。
A.调高垫板 B.防磨垫板 C.橡胶垫板 D.以上都不对 [填空题]零件的加工精度反映在()精度,()精度,()精度.
A.副段长 B.车间主任 C.工长 D.班长 [单选题]中华民族精神的核心是()。
A.为人民服务 B.爱国主义 C.自强不息 D.集体主义 [单项选择]People in Britain are living longer and are (56) , (57) more and more money is being spent on consumer goods, (58) the latest statistics.
But while people (59) appear to be healthier and wealthier, an analysis of (60) activities suggests they are also lazier. (61) the most popular pastime is watching television, with 98 percent of homes having (62) one set and over a third having a video recorder. Other pastimes (63) listening to music, gardening, sports, visiting friends or going out for a meal. The 56.8 million people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (64) an (65) 12 million household pets. Most of the homes now have central heating, washing machines, refrigerators, telephones and even cars. Britain are also (66) . United Kingdom residents took over 17 (67) holidays overseas in 1986, (68) 15.75 million in 1985, and the most popular desti A. on the average B. on the other hand C. on condition that D. while [单项选择]
Without the atmosphere, there would be no weather, no wind, rain, snow, or clouds. Air is all around us; we live at the bottom of a great ocean of air. It is invisible, but we can feel it when it moves. There are miles of all above us, pressing down with great weight on the earth and everything on it. Because air presses down on us from all directions at the same time, and because we are able to bear (忍受) this weight, we do not seem to feel it. But scientists have proved that air has this weight, and that anything that has weight creates (产生) a force called pressure. As changes in air pressure take place, they make air move. [判断题]在完全垄断市场上,厂商所售的商品没有任何相近的替代品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]确诊流行性出血热的依据是
A. 鼠类接触史 B. 全身感染中毒症状 C. “三痛”和“三红”征 D. 特异性IgM抗体滴度升高 E. 异型淋巴细胞增多 [判断题]主网物资各单位根据物资品类特性采用区域分包或金额分包。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对架空线路,严禁使用()作为线路联络点,规避操作风险
A.柱上开关 B.环网柜开关 C.单一隔离开关 D.以上都可以 我来回答: 提交