Science is an enterprise concerned with
gaining information about causality, or the relationship between cause and
effect. A simple example of a cause is the movement of a paddle as it strikes a
ping-pong ball; the effect is the movement of the ball through the air. In
psychology and other sciences, the word "cause" is often replaced by the term
"independent variable". This term implies that the experimenter is often "free"
to vary the independent variable as he or she desires (for example, the
experimenter can control the speed of the paddle as it strikes the ball). The
term "dependent variable" replaces the word "effect", and this term is used
because the effect depends on some characteristic of the independent variable
(the flight of the ball depends on the speed of the paddle). The conventions of
science demand that both the in A. predict variations in a person’s performance B. indicate a hard nut to crack in physics C. prove a common feature most theories have D. show the negligibility of intervening variables [单选题]机组运行中,主蒸汽平均压力不超过额定压力的 ( )。
A.105% B.110% C.115% [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,持()的旅客中转换乘时,应当办理中转签证手续。
A.车票 B.客票 C.通票 D.直达票 [单项选择]静态投资是以()的要素价格为依据所计算出的建设项目投资的瞬时值。
A. 计算投资时 B. 竣工日期 C. 某一基准年、月 D. 开工日期 [单选题] 患儿,7 岁,因发热 2 天、鼻腔牙龈出血 1 天入院,查体:体温 39 度,全身皮肤瘀斑、腋下淋巴结增大,胸骨下压痛,肝大脾大,骨髓象结果:有核细胞增生活跃,正常幼红细胞和巨核细胞减少,该患者最有可能发生的问题是( )
A.急性非淋巴细胞白血病 B.慢性粒细胞白血病 C.急性淋巴细胞白血病 D.ITP 急性发作 E.脾功能亢进 [单选题]自治区第十一次党代会明确提出,打造新能源产业高地.新能源发展( )目标要求。
A.“两个率先”“两个超过” B.“两个率先” C.“一个率先”“两个超过” D.“两个超过” [单选题]工作前应详细核对电缆标志牌的( )与工作票所填写的相符,安全措施正确可靠后,方可开始工作。
A.名称 B.编号 C.走向 D.型号 [多项选择]有权决定刑事拘留这一强制措施的机关有( )。
A. 人民检察院 B. 审判机关 C. 公安机关 D. 人民政府 我来回答: 提交