A presentation has two important
components: what you say and (56) you deliver it. The term
delivery covers a wide (57) of features of speaking and eye
contact is one of them. The appropriate use of eye contact (58) from one culture to another. In some cultures, women are (59) to lower their eyes in most communication (60) ; in others, younger people must keep their eyes lowered when addressing older people. (61) , in the United States, (62) you are addressing an individual, a small group of people, or a larger audience, you are expected to look at them. You do not have to stare (63) and continuously; (64) , it is appropriate when speaking to one person to (65) occasionally. In a small group you should look around at the different members of the group. (66) A. total B. overall C. utter D. entire [单选题]乳汁和汗液由什么上皮分泌
A.腺上皮 B.复层扁平上皮 C.变移上皮 D.假复层纤毛柱状上皮 [单项选择]
Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. (21) the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are (22) . Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. (23) 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards this is a good (24) since the world-wide average is 33 percent waste paper. Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and (25) schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have (26) even greater utilization of used fibre. (27) , industry’s use of recycled fibres is expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming years. [单项选择]下颌全义齿固位的重要部位是()
A. 中性区 B. 舌侧翼缘区后部 C. 颊侧翼缘区 D. 远中颊角区 E. 上颌硬区 [多选题]学法指导需要培训师努力研究学员的(),以使学法适应能学员的需要。
A.学习心理 B.原有的知识水平结构 C.单位需求 D.接受能力 [判断题]电绝缘装具以每20s升压2000V的速度施加电压,在16000V时不被击穿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]368、机车、动车组司机室的登乘人数,除特殊需要外,不得超过( )人,不得影响司机的正常工作,不得在非操纵端乘坐(便乘机车乘务员除外)。
A.A、1 B.B、2 C.C`3 [简答题]B公司是一家上市公司,所得税率为25%。2014年年末公司总股份为10亿股,当年实现净利润为4亿元。公司计划投资一条新生产线,总投资额为8亿元,经过论证,该项目具有可行性。为了筹集新生产线的投资资金,财务部制定了两个筹资方案供董事会选择:
A.露髓点周围4mm范围内的牙髓 B.冠髓的上半部分 C.牙冠颈部缩窄以上的全部牙髓 D.根分歧以上的全部牙髓 E.每一个根管口以上的牙髓 [填空题]安全生产风险评价工作坚持 的管理方针。
[单选题] 单选题 下列属于约束性警械的是()。
A. 高压水枪 B. 催泪弹 C. 警绳 D. 警棍 [判断题]串联电容器和并联电容器一样,可以提高功率因数。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交