Sport is full of wonderful moments, but
perhaps nothing is as exciting as the finish of the marathon. It is the longest
and hardest race of all. The name "marathon" comes from a village in Greece.
When the Greeks had beaten the Persians, a soldier ran all the way from Marathon
to Athens-more than 40 kilometers-to tell people the good news. When the modern
Olympic Games began in 1896, the organizers knew this history. The marathon has
been a race since then. In the ancient world, the Olympics were held every four years for 1,000 years. They were an important part of life. In the modern Games, we try to copy their ideas. The finest sportsmen are collected in one place—or at least, the finest "amateurs" are. Olympic athletes are often students or teachers o [填空题]25HZ轨道电路一送多受时,受电端电阻也应按()的给定值固定。
[单选题]1塔式起重机的拆装作业必须在( )进行:
A.人温暖季节 B.白天 C.晴天 D.良好的照明条件的夜间 [单项选择]患者男,18岁。既往体健,突然感到右侧胸痛,胸闷,呼吸困难不能平卧,查体:口唇发绀,右侧胸部膨隆,肋间隙增宽,听诊呼吸音减弱,叩诊呈鼓音。胸片示:右侧透光度增强。此时患者最可能发生了()
A. 脑震荡 B. 脑挫裂伤 C. 脑内血肿 D. 枕骨大孔疝 E. 小脑幕切迹疝 [简答题]事故报告应当包括哪些内容?
A.24 B.100 C.28 [判断题]金融机构应将可疑交易监测工作贯穿于金融业务办理的各个环节。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]万用表实质是是一个带有整流器的( )仪表。
A.磁电式 B.电磁式 C.电动式 [单选题]当电路中含有电容器时,通过电容器的是(____)。
A.直流电流 B.交流电流 C.直流电压 D.直流电动势 [单选题]BD012 盘式温度计测量时温包被置于被测介质中,温包内的工作物质因温度高而压力增大,该压力变化经毛细管传给( )并使其产生一定的变化,然后借助于指示机构指示被测的温度数值。
A.传动装置 B.弹簧管 C.连杆机构 D.机构装置 我来回答: 提交