The cost of plant and equipment includes all expenditures reasonable and necessary in acquring the asset and placing it in a position and condition for use in the operations of the business. Only reasonable and necessary expenditures should be (21) . For example, ff the company’s truck driver receives a traffic ticket while hauling a new machine to the plant, the traffic (22) is not part of the cost of the new machine, ff the machine is dropped and (23) while being uploaded, the cost of repairing the damage should be (24) as expense in the current period and should not be added (25) the cost of the machine.
Cost is most easily determined (26) an asset is purchased for cash. The cost of the asset is then (27) to the cash outlay necessary in acquiring the asset (28) any expenditure for freight, insurance while in transit, installation, trial runs, and any other (29) necessary to make the asset ready for us
A. is
B. will be
C. to be
D. be
请根据下面和短文回答下面各题。 Some people say that they never have dreams. But that is not true. Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory for them than others. Every one and a half hours in the whole night we enjoy our free time in our dreams. We can forget the good behaviour of the day and we are free to act in almost any way we like. Things from our past and things from now we come together. But as soon as we wake, the dream is gone, and the more we try to remember the things in the dream, the more we forget. "I had a dream last night. I must tell you about it. I was in my old school, but it wasn’t a school, it was a kind of a ... er ... I really don’t know what it was." So, why do we dream Are dreams important The experts tell us that they are important, because they can help us get ready for the problems of everyday life. The [不定项选择题]A.当眼调节静止时,平行光线经眼的屈光系统后聚焦在视网膜上
A.当眼调节静止时,平行光线经眼的屈光系统后聚焦在视网膜前 B.当眼调节静止时,平行光线经眼的屈光系统后聚焦在视网膜后 C.眼球在不同子午线上屈光力不同,形成两条焦线 D.眼的功能调节力下降 E.散光 [判断题]允许温升是由最高允许温度减去最高环境温度而得。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]论述选拔的途径。
[判断题] 王某实施了盗窃违法行为,后向公安机关主动投案,如实陈述盗窃行为,对于王某应当减轻处罚或者不予处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]管钳是用来转动金属管或其他圆柱形工件的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》中规定,铁路客运人员在工作中,禁止浓妆艳抹、除婚戒外不能佩戴首饰。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]纤维组织来源的恶性肿瘤,按命名原则应称为()
A. 恶性纤维瘤 B. 纤维瘤 C. 纤维瘤恶变 D. 纤维肉瘤 E. 纤维瘤病 [单项选择]下列关于专题规划的说法中,正确的是()。
A. 在法定文件形式表现国家战略意图 B. 是编制区域规划的依据 C. 是总体规划在特定领域的延伸和细化 D. 具有战略性、预测性和纲领性 [单选题]高位消防水箱的消防储水量,二类高层公共建筑不应小于()。
A.6m3 B.10m3 C.12m3 D.18m3 [判断题]单体液压支柱初撑力为10MPa,综采液压支架为20MPa。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]医院按特定任务分类,可以分为
A.专科医院 B.军队医院 C.企业医院 D.医学院校附属医 院 E.综合医院 [单项选择]压缩机气缸过热的原因,下列说法不正确的是()。
A. 冷却水不足 B. 入口气体温度高 C. 冷却水中断 D. 环境温度高 [判断题]( )5、任何组织和个人未经批准不得制造、买卖、持有、使用警旗。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 民警张某在火车站执勤时发现暴恐分子正欲引爆炸弹实施暴恐活动,可以直接使用武器将其击毙。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交