Efforts to educate people about the
risks of substance abuse seem to deter some people from using dangerous
substances, if such efforts are realistic about what is genuinely dangerous and
what is not. Observed declines in the use of such drugs as LSD, PCP, and
Quaaludes since the early 1970s are probably related to increased awareness of
the risks of their use, and some of this awareness was the result of warnings
about these drugs in "underground" p A. effectively deterred marijuana use B. was rejected by young marijuana use C. did not picture the danger of marijuana realistically D. was welcomed by marijuana users because it told them how to get high [判断题]公司所属各级单位应严格落实“四个管住”(管住计划、管住队伍、
管住人员、管住现场)工作要求,建立线上管控模式,强化现场作业安全管控,守住安全生产“生命线”。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牵变所直流操作母线电压的波动不应超过额定值的 ±()%。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]多基因遗传的 2 对或 2 对以上基因是( )
A. 隐 性 B.共显性 C.显隐性 D.外显不全 E.无法确定 [单选题]下列平面中,平行于且与yOz坐标面非重合的平面方程是( )。
A.y+z+1=0 B.z+1=0 C.y+1=0 D.x+1=0 [判断题]泥浆罐液面升高是发生溢流的直接显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]奥氏体不锈钢产生应力腐蚀( )开裂的三个必要条件是静拉伸应力,特定的腐蚀介质,材料对SCC的敏感性。(对)
A.提供对于有序充电的技术支持,使高峰负荷不叠加。 B.故障自动投切,降低事故隐患。 C.具备经济模式,能够适应峰谷电价的机制。 D.谐波检测和电能质量监测。 [单选题]17式抢险救援手套连接环:小指延长线上采用金属连接环,距袖口)( )。
A.25-40mm (±5mm) B.30-40mm (±5mm) C.30-45mm (±5mm) D.33-43mm (±5mm) [简答题]Because agriculture is so important to a nation’s well-being, governments have always been concerned with it. For example, the United States and Canada have long produced surpluses that complicate their economies. Surpluses tend to lower prices to farmers and seriously endanger the agriculture industry. Governments have Instituted systems of price supports to maintain a fair price when surpluses cause prices to drop. The system in the United States is a good example. A government program supports the prices paid to farmers for grains, and other agricultural products.
Support prices are based on parity, which is the ratio between the prices farmers receive for their crops and the prices they must pay for things they need. The government selected the period from 1910 to 1914 as a time when farm prices were in a fair ratio with farming costs. This is the base period now used to determine parity prices.
A. U盘 B. 硬磁盘 C. 内存储器 D. PROM [单项选择]在自动闭塞的电气化区段上更换钢轨时,()在同一地点将两股钢轨同时拆下。
A. 严禁 B. 可以 C. 容许 D. 特殊情况下 [单选题]粪便强酸性时,提示
A.高度腐败 B.异常发酵 C.肉食者 D.食糖 E.食脂肪 [判断题]借款人不按借款合同规定使用贷款,贷款方无权提前收回部分或全部贷款,但应加收利息。()
[单选题]中队(站)通常每日点名,休息日和节假日必须点名。点名由1名单位首长实施.每次点名不得超过( )分钟。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]在使用主观经验法确定测评指标权重时应该注意( )。
A.权重分配的合理性 B.权重分配的变通性 C.权重数值的模糊性 D.权重数值的明确性 E.权重数值的归一性 [单选题]报检员遗失《报检员证》的,应在( )日内向发证检验检疫机构递交情况说明,并登报声明作废。
A.5 B.7 C.10 D.14 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,旅客列车乘务组由( )组成。
A.客运工作人员 B.车辆及客运人员 C.客运、公安乘务人员 D.客运、车辆、公安乘务人员 [多选题]PDSN支持的普通计费方式有()。
Currently, the ZXUN PDSN supports the following charging methods().
A.基于时长的离线计费 Offline charging on the basis of the time B.基于流量的离线计费 Offline charging on the basis of the traffic C.基于时长的在线计费 Online charging on the basis of the time D.基于流量的在线计费 Online charging on the basis of the traffic [单项选择]假设线性表的长度为n,则在最坏的情况下,冒泡排序法的时间复杂度是
A. log2n B. nlog2n C. n(n-1) D. n(n-1)/2 [名词解释]生态农业
A. 净现值 B. 内部收益率 C. 经济效益分析 D. 成本效用分析 [多选题] 第12题
( )项目不收取系统备用容电费 A.燃煤发电 B.核电 C.分布式光伏发电 D.分布式风电 [多项选择]下列费用中,属于建筑安装工程间接费的有()。
A. 承包商为筹集资金而发生的各项费用支出 B. 承包商的劳动保险费 C. 建筑工程一切险的保险费 D. 承包商工会经费 E. 建设期贷款利息 [填空题]
A. 收到短信后的72小时内 B. 收到短信后的24小时内 C. 收到短信后的48小时内 D. 收到短信后的12小时内 [判断题]【判断题】在电阻并联的电路中,电路的端电压U等于各并联电阻的端电压。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交