The study of literary influence among
women writers has frequently adopted a model of sororal or matrilineal sharing
in an often explicitly stated contrast to Harold Bloom’s well-established theory
of the "anxiety of influence" besetting male writers. In Bloom’s powerfully
influential vision, that anxiety is posed as a kind of Freudian agon of sons
against fathers, a struggle of self-definition through resistance and mastery.
Feminist critics have generally agreed with the Bloomian model as applied to
male authors but have demurred with respect to women writers, whom we have
tended to see in familial terms. The model of a separate women’s tradition in
literature, its inner coherence maintained by resistance to male dominance, that
was posited in the 1970s by Ellen Moers, Elaine Showalter, and Sandra M. Gilbert
and Susan Gubar has b A. that "anxiety of influence" applies to Freudian writers. B. that "anxiety of influence" applies to female writers. C. that "anxiety of influence" applies to male writers but not to female writers. D. to none of the above. [多选题]配置智能机器人巡检系统的变电站,可由智能机器人完成红外( )和精确测温,由专业人员进行复核。
A.抽测 B.普测 C.检测 D.拍照 [判断题]为科学实验目的的使用不视为侵犯专利权的实施行为。
[单选题] 单选题 下面关于UNIX操作系统的说法中,错误的是:( )
A. UNIX是单用户操作系统; B. UNIX是较成熟64位系统; C. UNIX文件系统稳定性较强; D. UNIX的多用于服务器产品。 [单项选择]列宁说:“物质和意识的对立,也只有在非常有限的范围内才有绝对的意义。超出这个范围,物质和意识的对立无疑是相对的。”这里所说的“非常有限的范围”是指:
A. 物质和意识何者为第一性何者为第二性 B. 物质和意识是否具有同一性 C. 物质和意识在一定条件下能否相互转化 D. 意识能否反映物质 [判断题]遇灯显设备故障使用手信号调车时,调车长须通知司机、连结员改用手信号调车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第26.2.6条规定:某供电所班组刘某在检修作业中,安排王某使用绝缘操作杆、验电器和测量杆时,王某的手不应越过( )
A.护环或手持部分的界限 B.头顶 C.设备 D.围栏 [单选题]下列关于证券公司分类监管制度的说法,正确的是( )。
A.以净资本为基准 B.以扶优限劣为核心 C.以提高风险管理能力为目的 D.以市场准入和监管措施为依据 [单项选择]征信服务中心收到商业银行重新报送的更正信息后,应在()个工作日内对异议信息进行更正。
A. 2 B. 7 C. 10 D. 15 [多选题]根据《人民警察使用警械和武器条例》的规定,甲县公安局警械、武器库中属于警械的有( )。
A.特种防爆枪 B.枪支 C.催泪弹 D.高压水枪 [单选题]当司机选择等级、载频后,按F6 键(启动),设备进入C2等级部分监控模式(PS),PS模式下,最高限速为()km/h。
A.60 B.45 C.80 [多选题]水枪按射流形式分哪几类()(易)
A.直流水枪 B.开花水枪 C.喷雾水枪 D.直流喷雾水枪 E.多功能水枪 [多项选择]下列选项中,关于灰浆搅拌机的安全使用技术要求,叙述正确的有( )。
A. 固定式搅拌机应有牢靠的基础,移动式搅拌机应采用方木或撑架固定,并保持水平 B. 起动后,应加水以检查搅拌叶旋转方向是否正确 C. 运转中,严禁用手或木棒等伸进搅拌筒内,或在筒口清理灰浆 D. 固定式搅拌机的上料斗应能在轨道上移动 E. 料斗提升时,严禁斗下有人 [判断题]根据《国家民用航空安全保卫方案》的规定,登记国是指航空 器在其登记册上登记的国家。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]超过一定规模危险性较大的分部分项工程的专项方案需报()审批。
A.施工单位 B.建设单位 C.监理单位 D.业主项目部 [单选题]患者年高体衰,病属虚寒,久已卧床不起。今日晨起突然面色泛红,烦热不宁,语言增多,并觉口渴喜饮,舌淡,脉大而无根。其临床意义是
A.阴盛格阳 B.阳虚阴盛 C.阳损及阴 D.阳气亡失 E.阴阳离决 [填空题]He was so tired that he couldn’t go farther.
He was ______ tired ______ go farther. [名词解释]棘皮动物的水管系统
[单选题] 不属于肾排泄物的是
A.尿素 B.肌酐 C.尿酸 D.食物残渣 [单项选择]
A. 150+1 B. 75+1 C. 60+1 D. 35+1 [简答题]
61.Next to Sir Andrew in the clubroom sits Captain Sentry, a gentleman of great courage, good understanding, but invincible modesty. He is one of those that deserve very well, but are very, awkward at putting their talents within the observation of such as should take notice of them. He was some years a captain, and behaved himself with great gallantry in several engagements and at several sieges; but having a small estate of his own, and being next heir to Sir Roger, he has quitted a way of life in which no man can rise suitably to his merit, who is not something of a courtier as well as a soldier. 62. I have heard him often lament that in a profession where merit is placed in so conspicuous a view, impudence should get the better of modesty. When he had talked to this purpose, I never heard him make a sour expression, but frankly confess that he left the world because he was not fit for it. 63. A strict honesty, and an even regular behavior, are in themselves o [单选题]在我国保险实务中,普遍推行的“零时起保制”的含义之一是指保险合同生效的开始时间为( )
A.合同成立的次日零时 B.合同成立的当日零时 C.交付保费的次日零时 D.交付保费的当日零时 [单项选择]Man: We're having a hard time deciding where to go skiing over break. Where would you prefer to go this year
Women: I guess I didn't tell you. I had to back out. Question: What does the woman mean [判断题]脱卸一级化学防护服后,须对化学防护服进行检查和彻底清洗,然后晾干,待下次使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变压器硅胶受潮变粉红色。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交