Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Among the company was a lawyer,a young man of about twenty-five. On being asked his opinion,he said,“Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral. If I were to make a choice between them,I would rather choose the latter. Anyway,it’s better to live than not to live at all. ” A lively discussion followed. A banker,who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer,suddenly lost his temper and cried out,“It’s a lie. I bet you two millions. You wouldn’t stick in a cell even for five years. ” “If you mean it,”replied the young lawyer,“I bet I’ll stay there longer;make it fifteen instead of five. ” “Fifteen!Done!”cried the banker. “Gentleman. I bet you two millions. ” “A A. interesting B. ridiculous C. capricious D. instructive [多选题]副卡套餐的办理途径
A.全省各归属地移动营业厅 B.社会渠道 C.浙江移动手机营业厅 D.10086 [判断题]在一个油气藏中,气位于最顶部,油居中,水在最下部.
[单项选择]With 1 million copies sold out within just 2 weeks, that book is indeed a ()success.
A. provisional B. sensational C. sentimental D. potential [单选题]单位客户金额在人民币100万元以下的单笔款项划转业务,由临柜柜员授权审批。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [多选题] 对罪犯劳动考核的内容包括( )。
A. 劳动态度 B. 劳动纪律 C. 生产数量和质量 D. 节约降耗 [判断题]测定露点时,样品气与露点仪的连接管尽量短,并密闭无泄露。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]易燃与可燃液体表面能够发生闪燃的最高温度称为闪点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]要从气管内管注入第1次的肾上腺素时,其方法为
A. 1mg肾上腺素直接注人 B. 2mg肾上腺素直接注入 C. 1mg肾上腺素+10ml生理盐水稀释后注入 D. 2mg肾上腺素+1Oml生理盐水稀释后注入 E. 5mg肾上腺素+10ml生理盐水稀释后注入 [判断题]整组更换道岔作业按第3.5.2条第1 款规定办理,更换完毕必须经供电、电务人员检查符合要求后,方准撤除临时安全设施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )( )功能是家庭最主要也最重要的功能。
A.保护 B.教育 C.情感 [填空题]
We’ve all heard the miracle stories: The Boy Scout who survived for four days in the mountains of North Carolina. The Montana couple who fought off a bear. The guy in Utah who cut off his arm to free himself from under a fallen rock. You’ve probably read many stories like this and wondered how to keep yourself out of the dangers. Here’s what to do in some life- threatening emergencies when no one’s around to help. Allergic Reaction Bee stings, food allergies, and medications can be deadly, even if you think you don’t have allergies. Symptoms include itching in one spot or all over your body, sometimes accompanied by a rash, swelling, and, in the extreme, swelling of the airways, which hampers your ability to breathe. If you know you have a life-threatening allergy, form an action plan with your doctor, who will probably prescribe an EpiPen, which comes in child and adult doses. It delivers the drug epinephrine (肾上腺素 [单选题]取样注射器使用前,洗净后,应在()℃下充分干燥,或采用吹风机热风干燥。
A.95 B.100 C.105 D.110 [单项选择]患者,女性,20岁。进食右侧下颌下区肿胀疼痛,可自行缓解,下颌横断片检查见右侧口底绿豆大椭圆形密度增高区。诊断是()
A. 舍格伦综合征 B. 下颌下腺肿瘤 C. 下颌下腺结石 D. 下颌下腺结核 E. 舌下腺囊肿 我来回答: 提交