Ideas about education are changing in
the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma or a
college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are
interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a
diploma. Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old work skills or to learn new ones. Scientists, mechanics and barbers can take classes to improve their work skills. If they know more or learn more, they can get a better job or earn more money. Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repai A. Enlarge their knowledge and learn new skills. B. Catch up with the opportunity to get a higher degree. C. Learn more basic knowledge to get a diploma. D. Make themselves live a more comfortable life. [多选题]事故责任分为( )。
A.全部责任 B.主要责任 C.重要责任 D.次要责任 [单项选择]重吸收钠离子能力最强的部位是()
A. 远曲小管 B. 髓袢升支 C. 髓袢降支 D. 集合管 E. 近球小管 [单项选择]1927年,蒋介石在上海制造了捕杀共产党员和革命群众的()
A. 中山舰事件 B. 整理党务案 C. 四一二政变 D. 七一五政变 [单选题]属于病毒界的微生物是
A.放线菌 B.立克次体 C.噬菌体 D.衣原体 E.支原体 [单项选择]摩擦纺纱中,芯纱()越大,加捻效率越低。
A. 初加张力 B. 紧密程度 C. 伸直程度 D. 蓬松程度 [单项选择]()的经营状况在经济周期的上升和下降阶段都很稳定。
A. 增长型行业 B. 周期型行业 C. 防守型行业 D. 衰退型行业 [简答题]简述秦汉商业初步发展的表现。
A. 肾盂积水 B. 胆囊慢性炎症 C. 肝硬化、腹水 D. 脓肿 E. 肝癌 [名词解释]立宪君主制
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]出血时间延长可见于下列哪些疾病()
A. 血管性紫癜 B. 血管性血友病 C. 血友病B D. 血小板无力症 E. 因子Ⅻ缺乏症 [单选题]下第三系沙一下段发育的页岩多数为( )
A.泥页岩 B.灰质页岩 C.硅质页岩 D.碳质页岩 [单选题]“三会一课”制度要突出()学习和教育,突出党性锻炼。
A.业务 B.法律 C.科学知识 D.政治 [多选题]与传统模铸相比,连铸的优点除了简化工序,缩短流程,提高金属收得率以外,还包括( )。
A.降低能耗 B.提高质量、扩大品种 C.过程自动化程度高 D.降低炼钢工序的投资费用 我来回答: 提交