Chris Baildon, tall and lean, was in
his early thirties, and the end product of an old decayed island
family. Chris shared the too large house with his father, an arthritic and difficult man, and a wasp-tongued aunt, whose complaints ended only when she slept. The father and his sister, Chris’s Aunt Agatha, engaged in shrill-voiced arguments over nothing. The continuous exchanges further confused their foolish wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness. They held a common grievance against Chris, openly holding him to blame for their miserable existence. He should long ago have lifted them from poverty, for had they not sacrificed everything to send him to England and Oxford University Driven by creditors or pressing desires, earlier Baildons had long ago cheaply disposed of valuable properties. Brother A. Because he did not restore their prosperity. B. Because he did not succeed at Oxford University. C. Because he neglected the family property. D. Because he showed no interest in the family history. [单选题]公安机关对符合法律规定的被拘留重大嫌疑分子,提请审查批准逮捕的时间可以延长至30日。下列符合延长至30日要求的是()。
A.甲、乙二人共同作案,甲被取保候审,有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的 B.不讲真实姓名、住址,身份不明的 C.流窜作案、多次作案、结伙作案的 D.故意犯罪的 [判断题]保护火灾现场应包括灭火中的现场保护、勘查前的现场保护和勘查中的现场保护。对于可能证明火灾蔓延方向和火灾原因的一切痕迹、物证,均应保护。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每次排尿开始有血尿,而排尿终末尿液正常,病变初步是位于
A. 肾、输尿管 B.前尿道 C.膀胱颈及三角区 D.前列腺 E.膀胱底部 [判断题]工程监理单位和监理工程师应当按照法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准实施监理,并对建设工程安全生产承担监理责任( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]噪声对人体产生危害的程度与( )有关。
A. 噪声的性质与噪声强度 B. 暴露时间 C. 个体因素 D. 以上都是 [单选题]外科颈位于 ( )
A.胸骨 B.肋骨 C.锁骨 D.肩胛骨 E.肱骨 [判断题]手动导线压接钳也利用杠杆原理工作,多用于截面35mm2以上的导线接头的钳接管压接。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 简述全站仪测量距离的工作原理。
[多选题] 双母线接线方式下,线路断路器失灵保护由哪几部分组成( )。
A.保护动作触点 B.电流判别元件 C.电压闭锁元件 D.时间元件 [单选题].70.t级货车须装用长度为( )的编织制动软管总成。
A.715.± B.795.± C.980.± [单项选择]血管紧张素转化酶抑制药是().
A. 卡托普利 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 哌唑嗪 D. 氯沙坦 E. 硝苯地平 [单选题]制动缓解显示器能够显示( )处于制动或者缓解状态。
A.车辆 B.列车 C.机车 D.制动机 [判断题]动火工作票各级审批人员和签发人、工作负责人、许可人、消防监护人、动火执行人应具备相同资质,在整个作业流程中应履行各自的安全责任。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交