A few years ago, in their search for
ways to sell more goods, advertising men hit on a new and controversial gimmick.
It is a silent, invisible commercial that, the ad men claim, can be rushed past
the consumer’s conscious mind and planted in his subconscious—and without the
consumer’s knowledge. Developed by James Vicary, a research man who studies what makes people buy, this technique relies on the psychological principle of subliminal perception. Scientists tell us that many of the sights coming to our eyes are not consciously "seen". We select only a few for conscious "seeing" and ignore the rest. Actually, the discarded impressions are recorded in the brain though they are below the threshold of consciousness. There’s little doubt in Vicary’s mind as to the subliminal ad’s effectiveness. His proof can be summed up in j A. has an attempt to buy with a good reason B. recalls some past events and activities C. enjoys seeing some images in his mind D. gets a mental picture without consciousness [单选题]国家的根本大法是()。
A.宪法 B.组织法 C.选举法 D.授权法 [单选题]用绝缘电阻表摇测绝缘电阻时,要用单根电线分别将线路 L 及接地 E 端与被测物联接.其中端的联结线要与大地保持良好绝缘。
A.L B.E C.G [单选题]使用落下孔、钳夹式车辆装载的货物,装后货物底部与轨面的距离不得少于()mm。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250 [单选题]立杆前,应开好“马道”。作业人员要在电杆的( )。
A.一侧 B.两侧 C.内侧 D.外侧 [单项选择]在进行人工呼吸和胸外心脏按压交叉救护时,单人抢救操作节奏为(),反复进行,直至呼吸、心跳恢复为止。
A. 每按压10次,吹气1次; B. 每按压10次,吹气2次; C. 每按压15次,吹气1次; D. 每按压15次,吹气2次。 [单项选择]下列程序段的执行结果为 ______。
X=5 Y=-20 If Not X>0 Then X=Y-3 Else Y=X+3 Print X-Y;Y-X A. -3 3 B. 5 -8 C. 3 -3 D. 25 -25 [单项选择]A corps of so-called barefoot doctors are trained in hygiene, preventive medicine, acupuncture, and routine treatment of common diseases.
A. nutrition B. sanitation C. nursery D. welfare [单项选择]会计职业道德是在会计职业活动中应当遵循的、体现会计职业特征的、调整()的职业行为准则和规范。
A. 会计关系 B. 会计行为 C. 会计行业中 D. 会计职业关系 [简答题]营养缺陷型:
[单选题]党的中央纪律检查委员会在党的( )领导下进行工作。
A.中央书记处 B.中央政治局 C.中央委员会 D.全国人大 [判断题] ( )非金属材料的电阻率随温度升高而下降。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在脚手架工作面的外侧,应设( )m高的栏杆。
A.0.5; B.0.6; C.0.8; D.1。 [判断题]柠檬黄是一种性质稳定、安全可靠的天然黄色素。( )
A.A、3 B. B、5 C. C、10 D. D、16 [填空题]
Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not
always true. The centers of some are {{U}} (1) {{/U}}. The bottom of the
sea suddenly {{U}} (2) {{/U}}. The powerful forces inside the
{{U}} (3) {{/U}} break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves
appear. These waves travel {{U}} (4) {{/U}} and rush over the land when
they reach it. They are strong enough to {{U}} (5) {{/U}} houses and
other buildings; sometimes they break {{U}} (6) {{/U}} than the
earthquake itself.
Very often fires followed the {{U}} (7) {{/U}} earthquakes. In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas-pipes. The gas {{U}} (8) {{/U}}, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water-pipes were also {{U}} (9) {{/U}}; so it was not possible to put the fires out. There was {{U}} (10) {{/U}}. The Tokyo earthquake of {{U}} (11) {{/U}} happened just before the middle of the day. People were {{U}} (12) {{/U}} on t [单选题]工程录井监测要求,应对钻井过程中各( )状况进行实时监测。(出自Q/SY128.2020)
A. 施工 B. 钻进 C. 起下钻 D. 下套管 [单项选择]管理系统的研制是因为( )而开始的。
A. 系统所承担的工作量大于系统的能力 B. 管理现代化的要求 C. 上级主管部门的要求 D. 现行的管理信息系统(人工或计算机)不能满足组织的要求 [简答题]胶带非工作面磨损异常的原因有哪些?
[单项选择]下列关于现行城镇土地使用税的表述正确的是( )。
A. 纳税人购置的新建商品房,自房地产权属登记机关签发房屋权属证书之次月起纳税 B. 纳税人出租、出借的房产,自交付出租、出借房产之月起纳税 C. 以出让或转让方式有偿取得土地使用权的,合同未约定交付土地时间的,由受让方从合同签订的次月起缴纳城镇土地使用税 D. 纳税人2009年3月15日将土地对外转让,自当日终止纳税义务 [单项选择]下列太平天国事迹,最能体现时代发展潮流的是()
A. 建立政权与清廷对峙 B. 颁布《天朝田亩制度》 C. 发动北伐和西征 D. 颁布《资政新篇》 [单选题] 在汛期暴风雨中行车,当列车通过防洪重点地段时,司机要( ),并随时采取必要的安全措施。
A. 加强瞭望 B.减速运行 C.立即停车 [判断题]为了查明案情进行鉴定的期间,不计入办理治安案件的期限。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《法经》中规定杀人、伤人等侵犯他人人身安全犯罪及其刑罚的篇目是()。
A. 盗法 B. 贼法 C. 具法 D. 杂法 [单项选择]下面什么原因会促使平流雾消散或抬升而形成很低的层状云()。
A. 地表辐射 B. 下垫面干燥 C. 地面风大于或等于8米/秒 [多选题]航前清舱开启执勤记录仪时,应使用标准用语,具体为包括:
A.航班号 B.起始地-目的地 C.姓名 D.员工号 [单选题][易]党支部党员大会是党支部的议事决策机构,由全体党员参加,一般每( )召开 1 次。
A.年 B.月 C.季度 D.星期 [判断题] (非)机动车辆在站台上停留等待作业时,必须停放在安全线内,车辆保持怠速,脚踏制动踏板,司机并在现场监控。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某企业持有的交易性金融资产账面价值720000元,其中成本747000元,公允价值变动 27000元;2010年4月5日,该企业将上述资产以756000元的价格转让出售,不考虑税费因素,则出售时应计入“投资收益”科目的金额为( )元。
A. 贷方36000 B. 贷方9000 C. 借方27000 D. 借方36000 我来回答: 提交