Children in the United States are
exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the
most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television
usually begins before children start attending school. And, by the time that the
average child finishes high school, he or she will have spent 18,000 hours in
front of a television set as opposed to 12,000 hours in a classroom. Parents are concerned about these figures. They are also concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Even if it is unreal--a cartoon cat beating up a cartoon mouse with a baseball bat--this violence may have a negative effect on the young minds exposed to it. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, A. We should limit the children’s time in watching TV. B. We should improve educational programs for children. C. No commercials should be shown in children’s programs. D. TV programs may prevent children from developing their minds. [判断题]炉外精炼加热方式分为吹氧加热、电弧加热。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电缆工程现场验收包括( )项目。
A.现场验收包括电缆本体、附件 B.附属设备、附属设施 C.变电站土建 D.电缆通道。 [单选题]带电设备附近测量绝缘电阻,移动引线时,应(),防止人员触电。
A.加强监护 B.将设备停电 C.加挂临时接地 D.采取隔离措施 [判断题]因工作原因必须短时移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌,应征得工作负责人同意,并在工作负责人的监护下进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]李工程师:在日本,肺癌病人的平均生存年限(即从确诊至死亡的年限)是9年,而在亚洲的其他国家,肺癌病人的平均生存年限只有4年。因此,日本在延长肺癌病人生命方面的医疗水平要高于亚洲的其他国家。张研究员:你的论证缺乏充分的说服力。因为日本人的自我保健意识总体上高于其他的亚洲人,因此,日本肺癌患者的早期确诊率要高于亚洲其它国家。张研究员的反驳,基于以下哪项假设( )Ⅰ肺癌患者的自我保健意识对于其疾病的早期确诊起到重要作用。Ⅱ肺癌的早期确诊对延长患者的生存年限起到重要作用。Ⅲ对肺癌的早期确诊技术是衡量防治肺癌医疗水平的一个重要方面。
A. 只有Ⅰ B. 只有Ⅱ C. 只有Ⅲ D. 只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ [多选题]借款合同应当约定借款种类,( )、金额、利率、借款期限和双方需要
约定的其他事项。 A. 借款用途 B. 借贷双方权利、义务 C. 还款方式 D. 违约责任 [填空题]中心机构活塞材质为( )
[判断题]进行搜查时,应当有被搜查人或者他的家属、邻居或者其他见证人在场。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下有关通电直导体在磁场中的两种特殊方法,说法正确的有()
A. 当导体与磁力线平行时,导体受到的磁力为零 B. 当导体与磁力线平行时,导体受到的磁力最大 C. 当导体与磁力线垂直时,导体受到的磁力为零 D. 当导体与磁力线垂直时,导体受到的磁力最大 [多选题]作战指挥中心应结合部队实际,建立本级公安消防部队灾害事故应急响应机制,认真贯彻( )的原则。
A.统一领导、分级负责 B.反应及时、措施果断 C.接收监督、热情服务 D.依靠科学、加强合作 我来回答: 提交