Biologically, there is only one quality
which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a universe which
appears to be utterly deficient of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it
is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem to
serve a biologically useful purpose. In a divided world, laughter is a unifying
force. Human beings oppose each other on a great many issues. Nations may
disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by
ideological clans and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh.
And laughter, in turn, depends on that most complex and subtle of all human
qualities: a sense of humor. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal.
This can best be seen from the world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplin’s early
films. As that gr A. to enable us to see absurd actions B. to adjust balance of the world C. to take the wind out of politicians D. to show severe pain of human being [单选题]脚手架构造要求,单、双排脚手架的底部步距均不应大于( )m。
A.2 B.3 C.1.5 D.1.8 [判断题]三显示自动闭塞作用良好,监督器故障时,发出列车的行车凭证为出站信号机显示的黄色或绿色灯光。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]“三违”是指( );( );( )。
[单选题]基础教育课程改革所倡导的研究性学习、合作学习等教学方式,其主要理论依据是( )。
A.建构主义学习理论 B.结构主义学习理论 C.行为主义学习理论 D.联结主义学习理论 [单项选择]楷树,果实椭圆形,红色,木材细致。相传这种树最早生长在孔子墓旁,树干挺拔,枝繁叶茂,似为众树的榜样。模树,春天青翠碧绿,夏季赤红如血,秋日变白,冬日变黑,因其色泽纯正,“不染尘俗”也为诸树之榜样,相传此树最早生长在周公的墓旁。这两种树分别称之为“楷”和“模”,以树喻人,故把人的模范行为称之为“楷模”。
A. “楷”和“模”是两种树木的名称 B. “楷模”二字都带“木”字 C. “楷模”原指两种树 D. 楷树、模树皆有灵气 [单项选择]处方应留存3年备查的药品是
A. 非处方药 B. 假药 C. 劣药 D. 麻醉药品 E. 第二类精神药品 [名词解释]金属中的非金属夹渣物,夹杂或夹渣
邻多组一次锁定的道岔及其前后(B)m 线路为管理单元。 A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 [单项选择]Visiting a National Park can be relaxing, inspiring, but it can also be disturbing. As you drive into Rocky Mountain National Park, you will see starving elk, damaged mead ows and dying forests. Our parks are growing old because we have mistakenly protected them from natural processes, such as fire, predation, and insects. We believed that we were saving these remnants of wild America, but actually we have "protected" them to death. If we want to save our National Parks, the National Park Service must change its management priorities to prevent over population of animals and to restore natural process in the forest in order to prevent their stagnation and "death" by old age. We must act soon: our parks are dying of old age because we have altered the forces in nature that keep them young and strong.
By tracing the history of our National Parks, we can understand the problem and see why we need active management. In the early part of the 20th century, settlers exploited wildlife he A. the government introduced stricter wildlife laws B. the National Park Service employed more wildlife management techniques C. the natural processes were restored D. we continued to improve our natural environment [多选题]客室车门的结构形式主要有( )。
A.A.内藏门 B.B.外挂门 C.C.塞拉门 D.D.卷帘门 [多选题]紧急呼救的要素?
A.姓名(单位) B.位置 C.执行的任务 D.当前的处境 E.急需的资源 [单项选择]下列关于世界上第1台计算机的叙述,错误的是
A. 世界上第1台计算机于1946年在美国诞生 B. 此台计算机当时采用了晶体管作为主要元件 C. 它被命名为ENIAC D. 它主要用于弹道计算 [判断题]断路器失灵保护所需动作延时,应为断路器跳闸时间,保护返回时间之和再加裕度时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]悬垂线夹螺栓缺垫片属于()
A.一般缺陷 B.严重缺陷 C.危急缺陷 D.紧急缺陷 [单选题]南宁市轨道交通3号线列车车门开度( )mm。
A.1400 B.1300 C.1350 D.1450 [单项选择]Generations of Americans have been brought (26) to believe that a good breakfast is important for health. Eating breakfast at the (27) of the day, we have all been (28) ,is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car (29) starting a trip.
But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by (30) pleasures. So (31) all the efforts, they still take no (32) . Between 1978 and 1983, the latest years for which figures are (33) , the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased (34) 33 percent—from 8.8 million to 11.7 million (35) the Chinese-based Market Research Corporation of America. For those who feel pain of (36) about not having breakfast, (37) , there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years (38) that, for adults especially, there may be nothing (39) with omitting breakfast. "Going (40 A. from B. according to C. through D. out of [多选题]高层民用建筑的观众厅、会议厅、多功能厅等人员密集场所设在四层或四层以上时,应符合()等规定。
A.一个厅、室的建筑面积不宜超过400m2 B.一个厅、室的建筑面积不应超过200m2 C.一个厅、室的安全出口不应少于两个 D.必须设置自动喷水灭火系统和火灾自动报警系统 E.幕布和窗帘应采用经阻燃处理的织物 [单项选择]抗肌凝蛋白单克隆抗体显像中,显像剂与下列哪种物质特异性结合()
A. 肌凝蛋白轻链 B. 肌凝蛋白重链 C. 心肌细胞线粒体 D. 羟基磷灰石晶体 E. 肌球蛋白 [单选题]Lc4A3117.水尺设置要求是一般地段每隔( )km设置一把水尺。
A.0.5~1.0 B.1.0~1.5 C.1.5~2.0 D.2.0~2.5 [多项选择]稳定型心绞痛需与下列哪项相鉴别()
A. 心包炎 B. 肋软骨炎 C. 心脏神经症 D. 急性心肌梗死 E. 肋间神经痛 [判断题]总队、支队每季度、大队、站每月至少开展1次灭火救援作战训练安全形势分析。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]应结合每年春、秋季安全大检查,对营销服务场所进行消防安全检查,必要时应根据情况进行消防专项检查。消防检查内容应当包括()
A.火灾隐患的整改情况以及防范措施的落实情况。 B.安全疏散通道、疏散指示标志、应急照明和安全出口情况。 C.灭火器材配置及有效情况。 D.用火、用电违章情况,如计量箱、充换电设施周围堆放杂物等。 E.消防安全重点部位的管理情况。 F.消防安全标志的设置、完好情况及烟感报警系统的运行情况。 [简答题]在高速公路实施灭火救援行动,在救援区域前、后方多少米处设置发光或反光的警戒和事故警示标志?
[判断题]要求桥吊司机要做到“四会”:会使用、会检查、会保养、会排除故障( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防救援人员不论职位高低,在政治上一律平等,相互间是( )关系
A.A、战友 B.B、朋友 C.C、同志 D.D、阶级 [多选题]治寒湿中阻,常以苍术配
A.厚朴 B.佩兰 C.泽泻 D.猪苓 E.陈皮 我来回答: 提交