Passage 2
People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man’s release of completely new and often artificial (人造) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (物质), such as oil from oil tankers into the sea. Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments Would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed off drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in ter A. Cutting out unnecessary buying. B. Eating less. C. Reduce excess use. D. Carefully dispose our daily products. [多项选择](2004年)
A. 某影楼侵害了甲的肖像权 B. 某影楼享有甲写真照片的版权 C. 某影楼的行为构成违约 D. 制药公司的行为侵害了甲的隐私权 [单项选择]What is the purpose of the message
A. To inquire about available positions B. To return an earlier phone call C. To inform Bill of a meeting time D. To get in touch with an old colleague [单选题]作业人员对《电力安全工作规程》应( )考试一次。
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每两年 D.每三年 [填空题]人的劳动能力是由劳动者本身所具有的()、()、()、()和()所决定的。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]温度继电器是指当外界温度达到给定值时而动作的继电器。 它在电子电路图中的符号是(),继电器相当于是以可控制的开关。
A.PC B.FC C.开关 D.电路 [判断题]250km/h区段无砟桥面线路中心距作业通道栏杆内侧之间的距离不应小于3.45m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于要素计点法说法正确的是()
A.最典型的因素有五种:技能、智力、体力、责任和工作条件 B.管理者需要决定从各职位月薪总额中分多少份额给各因素 C.简单易行 D.评价结果更容易被员工所接受 [单项选择]离子交换器再生时,再生液的()。
A. 浓度越大,再生度越大 B. 浓度越小,再生度越大 C. 浓度在一定范围(10%左右)内,再生度最大 [简答题].简述学校教育产生的条件。
[填空题]绝缘工具要放在室内,室内要保持( ),并采取( )。
[单项选择]It can be learned from the passage that ______.
A. country life is peaceful but dull B. people living in big cities are easy to get excited C. few Americans go to church on Sundays now D. Americans tend to be rough and impolite today [单选题]经营者提供的商品或者服务不符合质量要求的,消费者可以依照国家规定采取有关措施,下列不符合要求的是()。
A.退货 B.更换 C.修理 D.投诉 [单项选择]显示总胆管长轴切面的最佳体位与探头方位是()。
A. 左侧卧位,探头与肋弓交叉成70°―90° B. 左侧卧位,探头置于肋弓下斜向位 C. 右侧卧位,探头置于上腹部横向位 D. 平卧位,探头置于上腹部横向位 E. 平卧位,探头置于肋下斜向位 我来回答: 提交