Electronic Mail{{/B}} During the past few years, scientist the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding-writing, any kind of writing but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never before touched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence. Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant counties, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. An estimated five million scientists have done so A. Electronic routes used to read home and international journals. B. Electronic routes used to fax or correspond overnight. C. Electronic routes waiting for correspondence while one is sleeping. D. Electronic routes connected among millions of users, home and abroad. [单选题]用人为的方法来改变电动机的转速称为: ( )。
A.调频 B.调速 C.转速 [单选题] 某新设立的建筑施工总承包公司,依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,下列做法正确的是( )
A.应当设立安全生产管理机构,配备兼职安全生产管理人员 B.不必设立安全生产管理机构,但需配备兼职安全生产管理人员 C.不必设立安全生产管理机构,但需配备专职安全生产管理人员 D.应当设立安全生产管理机构,配奋专职安全生产管理人员 [单选题]《95598业务管理办法》规定,电器损坏核查业务24小时内到达现场,( )工作日内将案件移送至保险公司,上传保险公司受理和不予受理相关证明材料,完成回复工单。
A.10个 B.5个 C.3个 D.1个 [单项选择]卵巢肿瘤多发年龄为
A. 30~50岁 B. 40~60岁 C. 50岁以上 D. 任何年龄,以20~50岁多见 E. 生育年龄 [单项选择]影响用户滞纳金计算比例的是()
A. 用户类型 B. 城乡标志 C. 供电类型 D. 用电类别 我来回答: 提交