"Much of the sickness and death
attributed to the major communicable (可传染的) diseases is in fact caused by
malnutrition (营养不良) which makes the body less able to withstand infections when
they strike," said Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General of the World Health
Organization (WHO). "At the same time," he added, "in developing countries
today, malnutrition is the cause of 174 million children under five years of age
being underweight, and 230 million being stunted in their growth. Such figures
represent deprivation, suffering and wasted human potential on a scale that is
unacceptable from every point of view. Whether we think interms of humanitarian
concern, common justice or development needs, they demand a response, both from
national governments and from the international community. " WHO, working closely with its member sta A. WHO does not pay enough attention to minor forms of malnutrition B. the international community reached a consensus to fight malnutrition in 1992 C. WHO member countries have well fulfilled their promise for nutrition plans D. the number of deaths caused by malnutrition has been increasing since 1992 [判断题]ADB003413
设有温度调节器的钢梁的温度跨度范围内,不得有钢轨接头。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下项目中,哪些属于危险性较大的工程项目?( )
A.基坑支护与降水工程 B.土方开挖工程 C.起重吊装工程 D.门窗安装工程 [多选题]非行车类施工是指实施该项施工作业不会对车辆段、正线的行车和车站的客运服务造成影响的施工,如在车站、主所、车辆段/场区域从事对行车、客运服务无关的设备设施的( )、( )、检查、( )物业结合部施工。
A.安装 B.养护 C.检修 D.维修 [单项选择]曹某因泄私愤于某日晚潜入李某家中,将事先准备好的硫酸泼向熟睡中的李某,致使李某全身大面积烧伤,重度毁容。此案经县公安局侦查终结后,移送县人民检察院审查起诉。县检察院审查后认为,曹某作案手段残忍,情节特别严重,可能被判处无期徒刑直至死刑。为此,正确的做法是( )。
A. 县人民检察院直接向同级人民法院的上一级人民法院提起公诉 B. 由县人民检察院报经上一级人民检察院批准决定后,再由县人民检察院向同级人民法院的上一级人民法院提起公诉 C. 由县人民检察院将本案移送至上一级人民检察院,由其向同级人民法院提起公诉 D. 由县人民检察院通过同级人民法院向其上一级人民法院提起公诉 [单选题] 取保候审的期限最长不得超过()个月。
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 [多选题] 在全国枪支管理信息系统3.0版中,申领配发枪支、加载配备信息流程为( )。
A. 配枪部门或枪支保管部门录入保管设施,录入枪支信息和弹药信息 B. 配枪部门主要负责人对录入的枪支信息进行审查 C. 所属公安机关治安管理部门审核枪支信息,录入审批信息 D. 配枪部门或枪支保管部门激活、加载配备信息 [配伍题]患者对经治医生不满意时,可以重新选择医生属于()|详细向患者讲清配合治疗的必要性,以获得患者与医师的合作是()
A. 患者的权利 B. 患者的义务 C. 医生的权利 D. 医生的义务 E. 患者和医生共同的义务 [判断题]重大危险源,是指生产.搬运.使用或者储存危险物品的数量及其他存在的危险能量等于或者超过临界量的设施和场所。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一伤残旅客按行李托运1辆残疾人用车,重45kg,其计费重量是( )。
A.45kg B.20kg C.25kg D.40kg 我来回答: 提交