From the very beginning, water has
furnished man with a source of food and a highway to travel. The first
civilizations arose {{U}} (76) {{/U}} water was the dominant element in
the environment, a challenge {{U}} (77) {{/U}} man’s ingenuity. The
Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar {{U}} (78) {{/U}} the Nile’s
annual flooding. The Babylonians {{U}} (79) {{/U}} were among the most
famous law-makers in ancient times, invented laws {{U}} (80) {{/U}} water
usage. Water inspired the Chinese to build a 1,000 miles’ canal, a complex
system {{U}} (81) {{/U}}, after 2,500 years, remains particularly in use
and still commands the astonishment of engineers. But the ancients never found
complete A. in regard to B. in response to C. in case D. in spite of [单选题]钻井液密度设计时应以裸眼井段中的( )压力为依据。
A.最大地层; B.最小地层; C.最大漏失; D.最小漏失。 [简答题]原湖南电视机厂生产的电视品牌是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行尸体料理时错误的操作是:
A.填塞孔道 B.擦净尸体 C.放底头部 D.合上眼睑 E.有义齿代为装上 [多项选择]病历摘要:不同种类药物的药理作用、不良反应.抗消化性溃疡药物包括().
A. H2受体阻断药,如雷尼替丁等 B. 质子泵抑制剂,如奥美拉唑等 C. 抗幽门螺旋杆菌药,如阿莫西林等 D. M胆碱受体阻断药,如哌仑西平等 E. 溃疡粘膜保护药,如硫糖铝等 [填空题]在未落实弃渣场前必须对桩基施工现场临时的钻渣集中堆放,渣体四周利用草袋装土临时支挡,草袋装土采用梯形断面,顶宽()cm、高()cm,边坡()。
A. 急性硬脊膜外脓肿 B. 视神经脊髓炎 C. 急性脊髓炎 D. 急性脊髓灰质炎 E. 急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 [判断题]石拱桥可以就地取材,自重轻,施工简单。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变压器并列运行,一般允许阻抗电压有士10%的差值,若差值大,可能阻抗电压大的变压器承受负荷偏高,阻抗电压小的变压器承受负荷偏低,从而影响变压器的经济运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Attitudes to AIDS Now Most people say that the USA is making progress in fighting AIDS,but they don’t know there’s no cure and strongly disagree that"the AIDS epidemic(流行)is over,"a new survey finds. The findings, released Thursday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, reassure activists who have worried that public concern about AIDS might disappear in light of recent news about advances in treatment and declines in deaths. "While people are very optimistic about the advances, they’ re still realistic about the fact that there is no cure",says Sophia Chang,director of HIV programs at the foundation. The Kaiser survey,like a recent USA TODAY Gallup Poll(民意测验),does find that the number of people ranking AIDS as the country’s top health problem has fallen. In the Kaiser poll,38% say it’s the top concern,down from 44% in a 1996 poll;in the Oallup Poll, 29% say AIDS is No. 1,down from 41%in 1992 and 67% in 1987. Other findings A. news. B. report. C. point. D. result. [单选题]患者,女,32岁,右腮腺肿物4年,近半年来生长加快。镜下见部分区域呈典型的多形性腺瘤的结构。肿瘤的一侧见瘤细胞表现明显的异型性,大量玻璃样变和灶性坏死。最可能的病理诊断是
A.腺样囊性癌 B.黏液表皮样癌 C.腺泡细胞癌 D.恶性混合瘤 E.上皮-肌上皮癌 [单项选择]可用于胃溃疡治疗的含有咪唑环的药物是()
A. 咪唑斯汀 B. 西咪替丁 C. 三唑仑 D. 唑吡坦 E. 盐酸丙咪嗪 [单选题]世界各国财政支出分类中最常用的是( )
A.按政府职能分类 B.按支出是否直接得到等价补偿分类 C.按资金使用级次分类 D.按支出规模大小分类 [判断题]取得期货交易所会员资格。应当经期货交易所批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交