Upcoming Seminars | |
November 1 9:00—11:00 PM “Reinventing small companies” Aram Rue—Consultant,TPC Inc. | November 12 9:30-11:00 PM “Human resources for small businesses” Niue Molson—Consultant,Glotax Leadership Group |
November 18 5:00—8:00 PM “The basics of setting up a business pl A. They are led by well-known business leaders. B. They will all be held in Edna. C. They are expected to be full. D. They must be taken in sequence. [单项选择]组成头颅的骨骼有()
A. 20块 B. 23块 C. 26块 D. 29块 E. 32块 [多选题]挖掘机行驶时,铲斗应位于机械的正前方并离地面()m左右,回转机构应制动,上下坡的坡度不得超过()。
A.A.1 B.B.2 C.C.30° D.D.20° E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]在电力控制系统中,使用最广泛的是( )式交流接触器。
A.气动 B.电磁 C.液动 [单项选择]浅表皮样囊肿好发于()
A. 头面及背部 B. 肘部、臀部 C. 手腕 D. 足背 E. 眉梢或颅骨骨缝 [判断题]过滤操作时,通过过滤介质流出的液体称为滤渣。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]由侧线和侧线组成的交叉线岔,距中心锚结较( )的接触线位于下方。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]33043】杆塔构件的运输方式有以下几种。( ) ( )
A.汽车运输。 B. 拖拉机运输。 C.马车运输。 D. 船只运输。 E.人力或特殊运输。 [简答题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》对发售学生票时如何规定的?
[填空题]Jazz has been called"the art of expression set to music". It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly (36) public response. The standard legend about Jazz is that it (37) around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis,and finally to Chicago. It welded together the (38) of Ragtime,marching band music,and the Blues. However, the (39) of what led to those early sounds go back to tribal African drum beats and European musical (40) .
What made Jazz (41) different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvisation. Jazz (42) a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the (43) to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to impro [简答题]请说出联合国的工作语言有哪几种?
[单选题]安全工器具的( )可由使用单位根据试验标准和周期进行,也可委托有资质的机构试验。
A.外观检查和电气试验 B.耐压试验和机械试验 C.电气试验和机械试验 D.外观检查和机械试验 [单项选择]治疗脾肾阳虚型腹泻的首选组方是()
A. 大肠俞、天枢、足三里、太白 B. 肝俞、太冲、中脘、足三里 C. 天枢、合谷、上巨虚、下巨虚 D. 脾俞、肾俞、命门、中脘 E. 中脘、天枢、足三里、关元 [单项选择]将《刑名》、《法例》合为一篇并置于律首的是( )。
A. 《北齐律》 B. 《新律》 C. 《大律》 D. 《泰始律》 [单选题]下列有关文学常识的表述不正确的是()。
A.“骚体”又称“楚辞体”,得名于屈原的“离骚”,特点之一是多用“兮”字 B.散曲包括套曲和杂剧,是盛行于元代的一种曲子形式,形式比较自由 C.《白洋淀纪事》是孙犁最负盛名和最能代表他创作风格的一部作品集 D.惠特曼是美国伟大诗人,他的诗对我国五四以来的诗影响很大 [简答题]
In the past year, a lot has changed in the field of human spaceflight. (46) In January, President George Bush brushed aside the fact that America’s entire space-shuttle fleet was grounded when he announced grandiose plans to put people back on the moon, and then to launch a manned mission to Mars. (47) In June, Burt Rutan, an American aeronautical engineer, showed that human spaceflight was no longer the preserve of governments by sending a man to the edge of space in Space Ship One, a privately financed vehicle that cost about the same to build as a luxury yacht. That was followed in September by Sir Richard Branson, the British entrepreneur behind the Virgin brand, announcing that he had signed a deal with Mr Rutan to work on plans for a fleet of five suborbital vehicles developed from Space Ship One. [单选题]下列哪项正确?
A.A一船处于他船正横后大于22.5度的某一方向,并且只能看见他船的尾灯,则该船应认为正处于追越之中 B.B若一船看到他船一盏舷灯和两盏桅灯 C.C若一船对本船是否在追越他船持有怀疑时,应假定是在追越 [单选题]自行招用保安员的单位不得在本单位以外或者物业管理区域以外提供()。
A.商务服务 B.其他服务 C.保安服务 D.信息服务 [单项选择]