It was Friday, the day of the field
trip on which Miss Joan would take her class to pick apples. Miss Joan enjoyed picking apples with her students. She smiled as she led her students to the bus that would take them to the Greenly Apple Orchard (果园) . The bus ride was bumpy and the kids were a little noisy, but still Miss Joan was smiling. The bus stopped in front of the Greenly Apple Orchard and the class got off quickly and quietly. Miss Joan made sure everyone was there. "What a glorious, sunny, apple picking day," Miss Joan announced with her grandest smile. Mr. Greenly was there to greet them. "Let’s see, there are eighteen children and two adults at three dollars each. That will be sixty dollars, please." Miss Joan held up the brochure in her hand. "It says that the price is two dollars each," she poi A. Mr. Greenly could change the terms at will B. the customers should read the brochure carefully C. Mr. Greenly could determine what apples to be picked D. the customers should be informed beforehand [判断题]《南昌局集团公司时速160公里动力集中动车组客运组织管理办法》(南铁客[2021]81号)规定160动车组车内设有应急备品、应急药箱及反恐备品,定位存放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]创伤包扎的顺序为()。
A. 先头部、胸部,后四肢 B. 先四肢、后头部、胸部 C. 先上肢、后头部、胸部、再下肢 [单项选择]在圆筒对接时,合理安排每一条焊缝的位置,是为了避免在装配其他零件时出现()的问题。
A. 无法施工 B. 焊缝重叠 C. 无法检查 D. 排列不整 [单项选择]以下药材中以根及根茎入药的是()
A. 狗脊 B. 丹参 C. 黄连 D. 天麻 [单项选择]若在工作组中选取一组单元格,则其中活动单元格的数目是( )。
A. 1行单元格 B. 1个单元格 C. 1列单元格 D. 被选中的单元格个数 [单项选择]根据《建设工程质量管理条例》,建设工程保修期自( )之日起计算。
A. 竣工验收 B. 竣工投产 C. 竣工报告签字 D. 竣工验收合格 [单选题]如果某药物的血浓度是按零级动力学消除,这就表明
A.继续增加药物摄入量,血中药物浓度也不会再增加 B.不论给药速度如何药物消除速度恒定 C.t1/2是不随给药速度而变化的恒定值 D.药物的消除主要靠肾脏排泄 E.药物的消除主要靠肝脏代谢 [单项选择]男性,30岁,右胸外伤后,休克症状加重,胸腔穿刺抽出血液很快凝固,诊断首先考虑
A. 神经纤维瘤 B. 胸腺瘤 C. 畸胎瘤 D. 淋巴肉瘤 E. 胸骨后甲状腺肿 [单项选择]当低温,缺氧或代谢障碍等因素影响Na+-K+泵活动时,可使细胞的
A. 静息电位增大,动作电位幅度减小 B. 静息电位减小,动作电位幅度增大 C. 静息电位增大,动作电位幅度增大 D. 静息电位减小,动作电位幅度减小 E. 静息电位和动作电位幅度均不变 我来回答: 提交