{{B}}New Foods and
the New World{{/B}} In the last 500 years, nothing about people—not their clothes, ideas, or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree (可可树) by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. And although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine (饥荒)" of 1845—1846, and thousands more were forced to leave their home A. Food. B. Clothing. C. Ideology. D. Language; [单项选择]阵发性房颤的治疗原则是()
A. 预防复发,发作时控制室率 B. 抗凝治疗,发作时控制室率 C. 抗凝治疗,发作时转复窦律 D. 转复窦律,发作时控制室率 E. 预防复发,发作时转复窦律 [多选题]下列关于高压油管的叙述,正确的是( )。
A.高压油管由厚壁无缝钢管特制而成 B.其外径与内径之比为3~4 C.各分泵高压油管内径必须一致 D.各分泵高压油管长度五严格要求 [判断题]根据车钩的开启方式,可以将车钩分为上作用式和下作用式两种。我国各型电力机车现在大多采用下作用式自动车钩。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]岬(骶骨)
A.消防安全 B.消防设施 C.火灾 D.灭火 [单选题]集体乘坐客车时,每辆车指定一名车长负责组织乘车,并设有两名观察员和一名安全员,两名观察员分别位于车内左前方和右后方,安全员位于( )。
A.右前方 B.左前方 C.右后方 D.左后方 [判断题]AP天线安装位置的确定应使信号在目标覆盖区内尽可能少穿透隔断、穿透时与隔断垂直,减少信号衰减。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在“试算平衡”时,如果期初余额、本期发生额和期末余额的借方和贷方均平衡,则( )。
A. 全部总账账户记录一定正确 B. 全部明细账户记录一定正确 C. 全部总账账户记录可能有误 D. 全部总账账户记录一定有错 [多选题]学习动机的主要功能有()。
A.激发功能 B.定向功能 C.练习功能 D.强化功能 [多选题]下列有关公文管理的说法,正确的是()。
A.复制、汇编机密级、秘密级公文,应当符合有关规定并经本机关负责人批准 B.绝密级公文一般不得复制、汇编,确有工作需要的,应当经发文机关或者其上级机关批准 C.复制、汇编的公文视同原件管理。复制件应当加盖复制机关戳记 D.翻印件应当注明翻印的机关名称、日期。汇编本的密级按照编入公文的最高密级标注 [多选题]().()不得少于10m,前端领车人员必须落实“眼看.手指.口呼”制度。
A.集中区调车作业返信号机 B.驼峰溜放作业间隔 C.平面溜放间隔 D.非集中区返道岔 [单选题]气体的体积越小,则压力就_____。
A.越大 B.越小 C.不变 我来回答: 提交